Idea's for a spin-off?
On one of my Facebook groups are talking about a spin-off idea. I know this might have been done to death but since its the holidays, what idea's do you have and know of around the net?
My recent idea is one I called 'The Early years' where we see young Sam and Dean grow up and find out what really happened as we never got to see it. Well only briefly in flashbacks? Also we get to learn a bit more about John and what hunts he went on, and the hunters and monsters he came into contact with, remember John's Journal this could be explored much more. Also the people that he saved. As Dean got older we also saw him go on hunts with John, that would be interesting to watch to see his reactions and why he is now a hunter. Also I would love to see the motel rooms again and the road trips then three men shared.
Thoughts? ......