I loved Damaged Goods - comments/critiques?
I can’t believe there is no chatter over the latest episode. If Dean goes thru with his plan: hush money-boat-splash then it’s almost as if Michael is “drowning” him for a second time. How horrible for Dean to have to fashion your own “coffin” knowing there will be no rest only Michael, for eternity. Poor Sam. (Mary seemed rather chill when she told Dean she knew)
I wonder why the visit to the doctor next episode? Is it over a MOW or are they going to sedate Dean to make it easier on him? The dying cellphone...Sam! Sammy! Talk about pulling on ones heart strings while at the same time terrifying the audience. Surely they aren’t going to go through with this! There’s a hand punching through something - looks like Castiel? Is he breaking into the box to save Dean?
How sad that by saving Dean from Michaels mind trap/control and getting him back they doomed him for eternity. Ouch. That’s gotta hurt.