MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > I loved Damaged Goods - comments/critiqu...

I loved Damaged Goods - comments/critiques?

I can’t believe there is no chatter over the latest episode. If Dean goes thru with his plan: hush money-boat-splash then it’s almost as if Michael is “drowning” him for a second time. How horrible for Dean to have to fashion your own “coffin” knowing there will be no rest only Michael, for eternity. Poor Sam. (Mary seemed rather chill when she told Dean she knew)


I wonder why the visit to the doctor next episode? Is it over a MOW or are they going to sedate Dean to make it easier on him? The dying cellphone...Sam! Sammy! Talk about pulling on ones heart strings while at the same time terrifying the audience. Surely they aren’t going to go through with this! There’s a hand punching through something - looks like Castiel? Is he breaking into the box to save Dean?

How sad that by saving Dean from Michaels mind trap/control and getting him back they doomed him for eternity. Ouch. That’s gotta hurt.


I think replies have to do with traffic. We don't have a lot of posters here to drive replies like we used to on IMDb. Which is so sad as we are a nice group and when we get a strong topic we are flooding those comments. I wish we could do more to advertise this board as I am sure with more posters it could be thriving again.

I think this idea is totally, totally crazy. Is this the ONLY ever plan to get rid of Michael for ever for Dean to basically kill himself. I am so very surprised that Sam hasn't put up more of a fight to stop Dean. Remember Swan Song anyone? Sam wanted to jump in the put to put Lucifer in the cage for ever! This has SS written all over it, barmy as they come. I keep thinking that Sam will inject Dean as he's done it before where he's died and then they lower the coffin in the water. But how will they carry out this ludicrous task? This stunt reminds me of an episode years ago from Angel where his son locked him in a coffin and was in the ocean for three months. He survived. I think something will prevent Dean from going through with it. Has this got anything to do with the 300th episode tie-in? Cause John Winchester might have something to say or do with it.

By the way AC, I noticed the train horn blast once again, is it gonna mean anything one day?

I also hope this is the end of Nick's story now, as its boring me. Sorry folks! For a moment I thought he was going to kill Donna OUCH! I loved the episode was really strong.


I've been computerless for about a week. Dang virus. But all is well now.

I liked this show. It reminded me when Lucifer was tormenting Sam and poor Sam ended up in the hospital. With Dean this is a little different with Michael being Dean trapped but he's still yelling. Dean has been hearing this constantly and I wondered before Billie showed up if Dean would reach a breaking point. I can see Dean going through with "the plan" because he thinks there's no way out. Just like when he had the Mark. It's always a one way street for him even though he keeps saying there's always a way out. Love it when they each think the sacrifice is for the greater good but they generally find a way out.

Was really worried that this was going to be the Donna's last stand. If so I would be really upset if it was. I like Donna.
