MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > Supernatural writer hints at another Dea...

Supernatural writer hints at another Dean "twist" after season 14's Michael arc *big spoiler alert*

[quote]"There is a little bit of a surprise."[/qoute]



.......I don't get it. So, Dean will eventually be no longer possessed by Michael, or takes control over his body with Michael still...there? What? Is Dean going to get Angel powers...


Please no.


So basically they've swapped Sam and Dean's early story lines one becoming a general the other a blood tainted freak?


So wait. Dabb said how tough it’s been writing episodes without Dean. You mean two whole episodes Andrew? Two? Because right now it looks like this is it as far as the run with Michael controlling Dean we are going to get. For all intents and porpoises 🐬 this is all the real time we will get, the rest to be flashbacks?


I honestly think this is a red herring. I am very disappointed IF all we get is two episodes. We still have 7 episodes until Christmas and can't believe for one minute they've wrapped up Michael/Dean that early. I still think Michael is lying, and we will soon see his true colours. He wouldn't just ditch Dean that easily when he looked in the mirror and said that he owned him, he meant it. Why, oh why would he just vanish?


And Michael did say about getting Sam and Co there was part of a trap. Seems a stupid trap if it was simply to throw some supped up werewolves at them.


You guys are surprised they are wrapping up an interesting storyline early to get back to the same old formula? They did the same with purgatory, Demon Dean. Both had great potential and were totally wasted.


When the end of the 2nd episode showed Dean coming back he looked weak and lost I was hoping we have more of Dichael (saw this I think on TV Guide. There was another "Mean" but like Dichael better). Not sure I want to give up that there isn't more to the possession.

I'm speculating a bit but had two thoughts. One that Dean was very damaged both mentally and physically and starts to second guess everything he does. Which keeps Sam the leader of the pack. The other Michael wanted to make sure he destroyed Dean, so he took Dean's soul. Again keeping Sam the leader of the pack.


I could see Michael taking Dean's soul as its similar to what happened to Sam back in S6 when Death gave him it back. It could be another cat and mouse chase and a search for Dean's soul starts. Eugine did say there was more to come but she couldn't say anything, which is why I am suspicious its not the end of Michael. That article did mention Cain's influence from MoC is still in Dean, so that will be panning out soon, I guess.


I'm not sure what to think of this Bella.

Maybe Michael just let's enough of Dean out to make it appear our Dean is back? But the whole time what ever his master plan,is building while he's still hiding and throwing subterfuge within Dean.


I agree with this and him 'leaving' Dean was to let him be picked up to see how Sam and co react to the new monsters - though would Cas or Jack be able to sense him? Or he has left but is using Dean as sort of a Trojan horse so to speak.

Maybe Dean has been also experimented on to become another version of the uber monsters Michael was trying to create and given back to the Sam to destroy the hunters in the bunker? Because from what I saw I can't say Michael leaving has anything to do with Dean being tainted by Cain. We didn't see Michael having any real struggles to control Dean, even when they had they split second conversation in the mirror and if 'antibodies' were involved wouldn't that have been the case?

But maybe they'd have an effect to protect Dean if Michael had pumped him full of monster juice to change him and then Micheal left to see what happened?

Guess we will have to wait and see?


An Uber Dean would be cool.
It would help fix the Cain debacle if done right ,imo:)



Very much agreed and I dont think Dabb can pull it off.
