God, that was such a brutal death. Stab in the chest from the back, and bitten in the neck with blood pouring from him. What chance did Sam really have?
I hated that look in Dean's eyes how desperate he looked that Cas wouldn't let him go after Sam because they didn't have the time?
My thoughts were on Lucifer how the hell did he get down there so damned quick after Rowena threw him through that rift and orchestra the Vampires to go after and kill Sam??? When his angel juice was so low and he wasn't up to full power?
Well we don't know how much time exactly passed between Sam dying and Lucifer finding him, could have been hours, and Lucifer told Sam he found a bunch of Michael's Angel's patrolling and killed them all and got their grace, so thats how he got back to full power and recharged.
I did think it was kind of a lame excuse, like oh he just happened to find a bunch of angels and was able to kill all of them as soon as he came through the portal, and just so happened to stumble upon Sam in the back crawlspace of a dark cave with tons of passageways. It was all a bit too convenient for my liking.
I think they kind of explained/reminded how Lucifer found them so quickly when he was talking with Gabriel at the bar. About how he can no longer feel Jack's presence since he's been in apocalypse world. I forget if they did any warding or spells to try and hide Jack from Lucifer on Earth but perhaps that no longer works in apocalypse world and Lucifer can simply teleport to Jack's location. After juicing up of course. Lucifer would still be able to hear angel radio in apocalypse world perhaps, hence locating some angels to feed from right away.
That was rough - I partially looked away. I mean it's a world without Winchesters, so of course there will be super monsters..
When Dean was reunited with Mary it was just so bittersweet, hey mom, I finally found you, but lost my brother in the process.
Doesn't Lucifer still have his wings, so I'm guessing he went to find Sam asap. What exactly is "full power"? He's strong enough to heal Sam, but Gabriel was not - which is what he said, but we never saw or heard a talk of, "Gabriel, cant you heal Sam?" They didn't even bother/or show it.
This episode felt very dark, next week doesn't seem like that.
I so wish we had a like button on Moviechat. I agree Sammi, that episode was dark, it was the first episode of the season I went back and re-watched it was full on for sure.
I was just thinking - doesn't Jack have the power to heal someone? I mean he woke up Cas in the Empty, I'm sure he could bring back the dead to alive. I know Lucifer revived Sam, but Jack very well could've brought him back if not Lucifer...
I presume so, he can kill, so he must be able to heal. He is stronger than his own father of course. I wish in some ways Jack could have bought Sam back, as they are beginning to get to know one another and have a close bond now, it would have felt much nicer. The Sam/Lucifer thing feels old now, and I think sometimes they are milking this pair. I love Mark, but I just feel he's past his best. Ever since Crowley went, and made Mark a regular I thought WTF! I can see something kicking off between Lucifer and Jack, and hope Jack comes out on top. Never thought I'd say this about Mark, as Mark has always been a brilliant actor, but am now so tired of his character, sorry to say. I will be surprised if he isn't the one they kill off.
The problem with Lucifer is he's too comedic...he's not "scary" anymore.
Before I used to be like "Oh shit it's Lucifer!" now it's more like, "Oh,...it's Lucifer"
Sam/Lucifer isn't the only thing they are milking. .
What other things do you feel they are milking? just curious??
I get what you mean about Lucifer, I think I sort of feel the same about him that he's not as scary and intimidating as he used to be. Not sure if that has anything to do with Mark's acting or not? I think it was wrong making him a regular. Its taken the edge of him a bit I think.
Just his comedic relief. It's been overused and the things he does isn't scary or funny. I would like to see more Jack vs Lucifer. I also wonder what's in store in Mary's future.
I can see a triangle going on between Jack, Sam and Lucifer. Sam is very protective of Jack at the moment and think he would steer him in the right direction. Sam is good for Jack right now. I also think Dean is coming around to Jack very slowly. I can see why Sam has a connection with Jack and its great to see Sam connect with someone again. I just hope that Lucifer doesn't kill Sam again and Jack brings him back as that would be lame. But a battle between Jack and Lucifer is very probable. I think!