Why cannot the show create a half decent character anymore?
I just said in a recent post that I always try and give a new character the benefit of the doubt and more often than not, those feelings towards that character backfire and my fondness diminishes quite a lot to the point of irritation. I felt this over Charlie and now Claire. Donna is heading in a similar vein, but my mind changes over her quite a bit.
What has gone fundamentally wrong in this show is not being able to create a really strong character? I found myself with the trailers over the new prince of hell thinking he seems promising, that someone might turn out to be as good as Crowley. Those hopes are soon dashed, and find him a bit whiny. Never thought I'd say that about a male character. I often find myself liking male characters more than female ones, but this is just my preference?
So how do you feel about this show, has it lost its spark in writing great characters like they used to. Remember when the angels came on board we all thought how amazing they were. I miss the likes of Zachariah Kurt Fuller was glorious, spellbinding and fun at the same time to watch, you didn't know what he was gonna do next. I feel the same about Azazel and even down to Meg, Pam Barns, Ellen Harville, the way those characters were written is a far cry from today in the terms of what they've achieved in the past. It feels like we are going backwards and treading water a bit?
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