S13 spoiler thread
Nothing too spoilery here but first day on set....
Nothing too spoilery here but first day on set....
These are from Jim Michaels:
Baby was dirty. Now she's clean. That's about it.
This one might give a little more.
well Baby looks beautiful and she is the only actually working right now.
shareAnd then there is this. It should be a lot of fun...
Thanks for this Cassiopeia. I just set my DVR to record it.
shareNot a spoiler but so it begins....
So Misha has announced he will no longer be heading GISHWHES. Some speculation that maybe he has found another after SPN gig?
shareUgh... the spoilers from the SDCC TVguide mag is pretty awful.
Lots of spoilers here...
Big interview with Mark Pellegrino talking about how he's going to on show lot more
--Dabb won't say if Cas is back or not...same with Crowley and Rowena. Says won't say and hints if they come back it won't be right away
--They say Jack is not evil--more of a blank slate, will be a battle over him
--Dabb says one season 13 theme is Sam and Dean as parents to the Dangerous Jack
--Pellegrino says Lucifer thinks Jack has the potential of infinite power like Chuck and Amara and is highly motivated to get him on his side
--The boys thinking of powering Jack down but hesitate because he's the key to bring back Mary from AU
--Dabb says will explore AU a lot and old characters might be seen again
--Dabb specifies AU Michael who he says could more evil than this world Michael
The worst one for me besides more Lucifer is the boys parenting Jack...just ugh!
So basically we are getting a baby/kid being raised in the back of the impala that no-one in fandom has ever wanted and a giant custody over him.
shareThanks for the spoilers, Cassio.
Yikes @ more Lucifer and the boys being stuck with Jack.
We really need a barf emoticon here. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Dreadful, awful, stupid!
What the hell is up with acting like Misha/Cas isn't coming back now? And stop lying about Crowley - Mark Sheppard made it clear he's done.
And I never thought I'd feel such visceral hatred over the mention of Michael, because I know Dabb will do it just to rub Jensen's and Dean fans faces in how he's going to have anyone other than Jensen play the part.
Clearly Dabb and Pellegrino are besties now. Maybe they're both Ayn Rand devotees and that's why it sounds like Dabb is letting Pellegrino take over the show.
So, I guess that the way they're going to turn Lucifer into the frenemy Crowley was is by bringing in a Michael that is even more evil than he is, so when they both get out of the AU, the Winchesters will be on Lucifer's side.
I really can't stand the idea of Dean and Sam being parents to a literal man-child. This quote from the article, specifically annoys me:
If season 12 was about children coming to terms with their moms as adults, then season 13 is very much about Sam and Dean as parents.because I think that if that was the message of season 12, it was so poorly done, I have little to no hope for the message of season 13 coming through or being done in any satisfactory way.
Just when I thought I couldn't possibly get more depressed about the direction of the show.....
I love this show but I just don't think I can hang with it much longer. I can't watch it turn into even more of a cartoon than it currently is. Dabb really seems to dislike SPN fans doesn't he?
Dean has been a parent to a snotty teen! We know this, he knows this, Sam knows who did the hard part raising him. This makes me worried that basically this season is going to be Lucifer going to the boys for parenting tips.
Also this whole trying to get Mary back from the AU they left her in, the one with apoco Bobby. Please that is just a fanfiction wet dream of getting a Bobby/Mary love connection springing into life without them actually having to show that they tried to connect.
So after reading this, is it wrong that part of me is hoping that at SDCC, DC announces that one of the J's is in the Green Lantern movie as anyone. Hell I'd take one of them as Guy Gardner, Kiliwog, Tom-re or even Ch'p at this point over the rumours of the next season because at least I'd then know there is a definite end date.
Dean has been a parent to a snotty teen! We know this, he knows this, Sam knows who did the hard part raising him. This makes me worried that basically this season is going to be Lucifer going to the boys for parenting tips.
because the bunker is no different than any other house
This is why I'm not sad the show is ending. Dabb's vision of the show is awful.
shareMaybe a spoiler? Sounds like the tattoo is vital to the story...
Glad it's finally back. I love the picture and also the phone case.
shareDean will "put the moves" on Daphne in Supernatural's special Scooby-Doo episode
He always had a crush on her. Too bad this is only happening in a cartoon world but I'm always up for Dean having a fling!