MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > Supernatural Season 1 Episode 3 Dead in ...

Supernatural Season 1 Episode 3 Dead in the Water MovieChat Discussion Thread.

Since it's Monday here is the second episode of Season 1 since the second episode went so well, it's worth carrying on with. So, as before the process of this project is very simple. Give us feedback on what you thought of this episode. We can talk about your own thoughts or natter about ones I have suggested below just as an outline.

We could maybe discuss our

favorite scene from that episode
What we liked about that episode and what we didn't
What did we think about the writing, what could they have maybe done differently
What did we think about the direction of the storytelling
What scene didn't you understand and that you need clarification on

So fire away!! What do you ALL think of this said episode? In fine detail, if you can.... Finer the better!

Supernatural Blog: With new Writers .....


First of all, I really like Amy Acker, so I like that she's in this one. Also, I think Dead in the Water tends to get overlooked, but what I like about it is that we get more Dean-character building in it through his interactions with Lucas. It's also got that somewhat iconic scene where Dean jumps into the water to save Lucas and then breaches the surface with him. My favorite scenes are the ones between Dean and Lucas.


I too like Amy Acker, this episode solidified my feelings about Supernatural and especially about Dean. I absolutely loved Dean's interaction with Lucas, we learnt quite a lot about him in this episode. It was a well written episode albiet rather sad.


It was rather sad. It's interesting to look back at it now and see how much of it is about the sins of the father being visited on the children and grandchildren, something I suppose you could argue is what happened to Sam and Dean because of Mary and John.
