"I feel like we've been building a community here too, and I'll stay here as well. I'm guessing there are more lurkers here than we suspect. Maybe the longer we're here, the more comfortable they'll feel posting. Right now, things are a little slower, because we're in a mini-hiatus, but when there isn't a hiatus, I think there's a pretty good flow of conversation."
I agree. The only way I could see me moving there is if I'd known about it first. We've been having great discussions on this board and we have fantastic threads here that I don't want to leave behind π
" I just feel a little bad for filmboards.com's admin who left you a message that felt a little like, 'I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Please help or at least don't go.' When I have something to post here, I'll probably start putting up duplicates there. Doubt I'll get any hits, but it feels kind of like the right thing to do? Besides, it'll kick some of those negative threads onto the next page and the next, like we have here."
I felt really bad too. The mod seems nice and they've done such a good job with the archive. I'm honestly torn because formatting options reeeallly matter to me but like I said, we've built something here and I personally spent quite a bit of my personal time reaching out to old posters and inviting them here. I just don't feel right switching boards out of the blue. I don't think I'll be posting there (I might change my mind, you never know), but for now, I think I would be giving admin some hope and I would hate to crush them again since we've kinda decided to stay on Movie Chat. I also don't want to risk splitting the community over 2 boards. I don't know. It's a case of curiosity killing the cat with me finding this board and kinda wishing I had minded my own business lol.
"The thing about moviechat is that even though the formatting options aren't available yet, it feels relaxed here. I hardly ever used to post on the SPN IMDb board, because in the back of my head, I used to wonder if each new post was the one that would bring unnecessary and unwanted ire in my direction. I like the free flow of conversations here that I don't think you can have as well on PT or other places. I like that conversations can be had without them being hijacked and turned into something else that just spirals down into a cesspit of negativity that has nothing to do with the show or original topic."
I posted plenty on the IMDb board because I'm talkative lol, and I just tried to stay away from belligerent posters (I also refused to bite when baited). I do like it a lot here. I feel everybody's making an effort to be welcoming and open to others and we can disagree without resorting to low blows, throwing labels and baseless accusations or trying to shame others because they like some aspect of the show. We have a good thing going. HTML or no! π
"I also like that we're small, and maybe some of that is down to the lack of formatting options, but even if it's not, with less attention, there are fewer out and out trolls or repeated threads of 'This show should have ended in season 5,' or 'I think they should bring back Jesse,' or 'What about Adam?'"
Lol! I was one who didn't really mind the 'the show should have ended on season 5' threads because I ignored most of them, but I'm so grateful for the current lack of 'where's Adam' and 'bring back Jesse'. Although, I wouldn't pitch a fit if those threads started up again. Safe room for everyone to express themselves. I will say that these are 2 characters I personally don't give a flying fig about and I do appreciate the current focus on the writing for season 12 or new fans discovering the show and sharing their impressions of the last seasons with us like Strannger π