Sam & Dean Winchester - just love them and their tight relationship, it's unlike anything else I've seen
Alex Krycek (The X Files) - mysterious, you never knew what he was up to (rat-boy..), great dynamic with Mulder, when he showed up it always got interesting, and attractive of course
Fox Mulder (The X Files) - hot-headed genius, tenacious, insubordinate, passionate
Elliot Alderson (Mr. Robot) - I'm his imaginary friend :-)
Spike (BtVS) - always entertaining, insightful, challenging, extreme, fun to watch
Buffy Summers (BtVS) - vulnerable but strong, funny, admirable
Connor (Angel) - tragic, fascinating, amazing fighting style, interesting dynamic with Angel
Tim Riggins (Friday Night Lights) - (self-)destructive but ultimately a kind and good man
Coach Taylor (Friday Night Lights) - amazing guy, the Jürgen Klopp of television!
Smash Williams (Friday Night Lights) - fighter, I love his zig zag arc and the way it ends
almost everyone in 'Battlestar Galactica', especially Lee, Tigh, Roslin and Helo
Marissa Cooper (OC California) - troubled but kind, tragic, beautiful
Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls) - a bit like Spike, challenging, funny, insightful
Owen Harper (Torchwood) - hard to say why
I'm sure I forgot some...