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"Is Supernatural Just Rehashing Its Classic Fifth Season?"

Interesting article about the direction (or lack there of?) this season.

Scroll down for the cliff notes.


"It all comes back to the problem we encountered earlier this season, when Rick Springfield was wearing the Lucifer pants and doing a fine enough job, except that Rowena came along and poofed him away, and then he knocked up a presidential aide and got grounded by a magical Easter egg. And now, apparently, just enchanting the hell out of (or into?) a moldy meatsuit is enough to keep the archangel himself, the prince of lies, the evil one, and Sam Winchester's biggest stalker/unwanted fan subdued in one of Hell's sub-basements.

Make no mistake: Lucifer's prison is flimsy, his captivity is temporary, and given Crowley's habit of blinding smugness paired with an impressive number of defective underlings, Luci will be terrorizing topside shortly...

But what is Supernatural's endgame here?

Sure, we have the added threat of Lucifer's monster-baby, and the inevitable throwdown between the British Men of Letters and the Winchesters. But we've already seen the devil destroy Dean and Sam and their most precious ideas of themselves way way back in season 5. Lucifer's presence tore them apart and the only way-- the ONLY way-- to put the monster away was to sacrifice. That time, physically, it was Sam. Mentally and spiritually, it was so much more.

As much as I adore season 5, I don't want a rehash of that season at this point in the show's run. However, I'm not sure what kind of ending the show has in mind for season 12 that would pack the same emotional punch, and so irreparably alter the landscape of the series as thoroughly as season 5 did... When Lucifer is in play, the possibility of total destruction needs to be on the table."




- Lucifer has become a bit too easy to manage with spells (Rowena, the "cage project") and gadgets (the egg)
- He will break free eventually and then what?
- Season 5 has shown us that Lucifer can only be defeated at the cost of great sacrifice
- There's no way to bring the Lucifer storyline to a satisfying conclusion because there is no way to top season 5


Where do you think the show's going with Lucifer?

I think the nephilim storyline might stretch into season 13. I expect him to grow at an accelerated pace like Amara but he isn't even born yet and no one has a clear idea how to defeat him. It would be underwhelming if he could be killed by the Colt. I think the Lance of Michael will come into play. Maybe a chance for his vessel to do what he couldn't do in season 5.



Personally, I see a rehash of season 4, 5 and 11.

Season 4 with the lying about working with someone the brothers know not to trust, slowly trying to convince Dean to go along with it, he does, and next they'll find out it was a bad idea.

Season 11 with the baby and possible accelerated growth. There are two ways the nephilim storyline could go. It's either evil or not. As much as they're talking up the need for it to be killed, much the way did with Amara in season 11, then I'm thinking the baby won't be evil.

Season 5 . . . I don't think they can ever undo the damage they've done with Lucifer. After you've seen Lucifer throwing a temper tantrum and listening to rock music in Sam's bedroom, because he's mad with Daddy Chuck, he'll never seem like the threat he was in season 5. I know he's gone from meat suit to meat suit this season, and I know he was bored and wanted to wreak havoc on an ever increasing scale just because, but that's all changed with the prospect of fatherhood in front of him. How are any of those things as evil as anything he threatened to do in Season 5? No horsemen. No apocalypse. The only way to really make him enough of a threat for the kind of sacrifice that happened in season 5 would be to get Michael out of the cage and threaten another Apocalypse.

Maybe Lucifer will steal his child at the end of the season, disappear, and actually be turned into a sympathetic 'father' next season who only wants to save his offspring and raise it to make up for any shortcomings in Chuck's raising of him. Worse, they'll have someone like the BMoL or (still hopeful we'll see Michael again) Michael take the baby, and Lucifer will be a sympathetic father next season looking for his child and enlisting the help of the Winchesters. (Don't get me wrong. I think those sound like truly dreadful scenarios, but I think that's where it's going).


I'd also add that another truly dreadful scenario would be if the BMoL somehow eliminate Lucifer, as in he sacrifices himself for his child, when the sacrifices of Sam and Dean in season 5 were so massive to lock him away.


I just thought of another way they could reset Lucifer and make him a threat again. They could kill the nephilim at the end of the season, either the BMoL or angels or a combination of those, and it'll set Lucifer on a course for revenge next season. Would that mean that this entire season has only existed to be a set up for next season?


I think killing the nephilim would definitely make Lucifer scary again, but then we're back to season 5 lol.
He's on a rampage, and determined to incinerate the Earth and everybody on it. I mean if they truly commit, and by that I mean large-scale destruction, millions of deaths, it could work but we know CW does NOT have the budget for this, so we're back to a fight in a cemetary :D


Yeah, global carnage would really be the interesting way to go. I know the show doesn't have the budget for it, but the universe set up in The End played out with Dean and Sam together (as in Sam not being Lucifer's meatsuit) would be an unbelievable way breathe life back into the series. Maybe they could use the props from the 100 and split the costs.


"the universe set up in The End played out with Dean and Sam together (as in Sam not being Lucifer's meatsuit) would be an unbelievable way breathe life back into the series"

OMG, and just like that I got excited again.

"We will always end up... here."

I miss those emoticons. I need the bouncing one now.


I know! As soon as I wrote it, I got excited too. I would love that. I'm imagining the bouncy emoticon if that helps.


I ALSO thought Luci sacrificing himself for the nephilim might be a possibility.


We definitely see eye to eye on this one.

I also saw a rehash of season 4 when it started to look like Sam was tempted to work with the BMOLs (he ended up joining them but at the time, my exact words were, "This is Ruby all over again"). Only saving grace here is that they didn't put us through more brother angst with lies, back stabbing and resentment. I also think working with the BMOLs is a bad idea but at least the brothers aren't at each other's throats because of it. This season has enough problems as it is lol. This is the last thing it needs.

I also like your theories for the nephilim. When I was reviewing "Family Feud", I had this idea that the nephilim might turn against his father. Lucifer was going on about how he and his kid were going to tear Crowley apart and I was like, maybe not, Papa. Maybe he won't even like you! If the nephilim isn't evil, he might have a hard time warming up to the Prince od Darkness. Having the nephilim not be evil would also be a rehash of season 11 with this supposedly huge threat that ends up not being half as bad as everyone expected.

I completely agree with you with the tantrum throwing Lucifer. I was so annoyed during that episode. It completely destroyed Lucifer and it became hard to take him seriously.

Also agreeing with you when it comes to Michael. I wish he was given more attention because Lucifer has been done to death and it's time to stick a pitchfork in him.

The Lucifer being portrayed as a sympathetic father is really not something I want to see, sigh.


I really think that the Nephilim storyline isn't really engaging fans at this point. I would hope it would be wrapped up at seasons end.

The brothers could find a way to render the baby human and save it from the Brits. Maybe possibly give Mary a focus (because Kelly isn't going to make it) in having a baby to raise since she has no interest in her own sons. We only have history with one other Nephilim and Jesse who both seemed to grow at a normal human rate but since the show is being rewritten I suppose he could be Amara pt 2. As far as Lucifer goes as much as I love Mark P I can't see where they can go after Babifer is resolved. Back to the cage? If the Nephilim is more powerful than Lucifer I suppose he could kill Lucifer with a thought. I guess that is why he needs the baby on his side. They did make a point of showing Dean picking up the broken pieces of the Lance. Rowena fixes it? And they kill Lucifer once and for all? Maybe that is why Sam is getting all the lesser kills. Dean will get the big kill. Jared is on baby watch right now and they are filming the last 2 episodes so I would assume that means Dean heavy eps for the season ender.

I don't think that Dabb is too worried about an emotional punch for the season ender. He said as much at SDCC last summer when asked about his disastrous ending of S11. He wasn't concerned about ticking boxes i.e. emotional connections or continuity and this season seems to be a continuation of that mantra. However if the ratings continue to decline he is going to have to rethink that plan. If they can't figure out a way to engage the Winchesters (not Mary) in the story fans won't tune in.

Jared mentioned at Las Vegas con that he would like to do a Gilmore Girls/Netflix type series where the "season" would consist of 4-6 episodes and be just one storyline that would pretty much revolve around the brothers. I really resisted the idea of a shorter season but at this point I would welcome the remaining years be a series of "mini'movies" instead of the mess we are getting at this point. Having said that it absolutely cannot be Dabb helming that kind of format. All he seems to want to do is rehash and desconstruct characters, seasons and storylines.


Moving the series to Netflix would be great. I don't know about 4-6 episodes. Maybe 10? At any rate, having something darker, like Jessica Jones or Stranger Things or whatever, that you could binge watch would be amazing. I also wouldn't want Dabb to be at the helm. I think they need to completely get rid of everyone associated with writing the show on CW and get a new bunch of quality writers to watch all the other episodes, so they could get the rules of the Supernatural universe down and go with it.


"I really think that the Nephilim storyline isn't really engaging fans at this point. I would hope it would be wrapped up at seasons end."

That's also my preference. I'm just not sure where the writers stand. I think it would be good to have the nephilim be born in a couple of episode. That allows him some time to grow and use his powers to create new threats (that the brothers will have to clean up next year) before he dies.

I would rather the nephilim die. Bella also mentioned the idea of Mary raising it, which would give her something to do off screen. I honestly would hate that idea. She can't love her sons but she can devote her life to the son of Satan? That would be such a slap in the face of our heroes. I also think there shouldn't be a cure for everything. Vamps are fine but a half archangel? It diminishes their power if any part of such a powerful species can be turned human.

I would be fine with Babifer (love this) growing at Amara's rate. Chuck said himself that archangels are made of a different material. Jesse is only part angel which is a less powerful species.

I also don't see how Lucifer can come back after this season. They do love beating that old horse but come on. I love Mark P. and I don't know how we would go about keeping him around. I really like your thought on Luci 'needing' the nephilim around for power, especially since he has been seriously weakened by Crowley.

I've been trying not to get too excited with this whole Dean picking up the Lance thing because the show's fooled me before, but I want him to use it so bad, at full power, against the nephilim/Luci, whichever. Either of them would be fulfilling the prophecy of Mike slaying the Serpent.

"Maybe that is why Sam is getting all the lesser kills. Dean will get the big kill. Jared is on baby watch right now and they are filming the last 2 episodes so I would assume that means Dean heavy eps for the season ender."

Don't get me all worked up, Cassio!!! I'm so afraid of being disappointed. This would be awesome.

'I don't think that Dabb is too worried about an emotional punch for the season ender. He said as much at SDCC last summer when asked about his disastrous ending of S11. He wasn't concerned about ticking boxes i.e. emotional connections or continuity and this season seems to be a continuation of that mantra."

Ain't that the truth. He's shown us in "Alpha and Omega" that he doesn't give a flying fig about things like that and like you said, he knows people didn't like the S11 finale but he still tried to justify his process.

"However if the ratings continue to decline he is going to have to rethink that plan. If they can't figure out a way to engage the Winchesters (not Mary) in the story fans won't tune in."

I really hope someone is looking at the numbers and calling meetings about what can be done to improve things in season 13. Is it me or has Singer been mostly silent this season? I know he did a producer's promo with Dabb but he was more visible in season 11. There are many things that happened this season that didn't seem in line with Singer's previous statements about the show.

"Jared mentioned at Las Vegas con that he would like to do a Gilmore Girls/Netflix type series where the "season" would consist of 4-6 episodes and be just one storyline that would pretty much revolve around the brothers. I really resisted the idea of a shorter season but at this point I would welcome the remaining years be a series of "mini'movies" instead of the mess we are getting at this point. Having said that it absolutely cannot be Dabb helming that kind of format. All he seems to want to do is rehash and desconstruct characters, seasons and storylines."

Maybe this is something J2 can negotiate with their seasons 14 and 15 contracts because they're already on the hook for 13 and CW always give full 22-23-episode seasons to "The Flash", "Supergirl", "Arrow" and "Supernatural". My problem with a shorter season is that it would become a 100% ensemble show where we would never get Sam and Dean episode anymore. It would be what I call "the bunker as a soup kitchen" with the entire supporting cast and I'm just not jazzed about a version of SPN where every episode has to have regular characters who are only tolerable because they disappear off to parts unknown half the time. If Jared is serious about that story revolving "around the brothers", then they might have to trim the cast down. Either way, if this mini series comes to pass, I also want Dabb far away from it.

Jensen has mentioned a few times that he'd like Kripke to come back and the Js want him ro write the series finale. "Timeless", Kripke's show is in trouble. A lot of buzz but it collapsed in the ratings and scored a 0.6 at the same time that SPN, a 12-year old show on the CW did. The fans are behind the show, let's see if the network chooses to be magnanimous. All this to say Kripke could end up having have some free time soon :)


* couple of episodes *

Sorry about the numerous mistakes and typos. I tried to edit but the site wouldn't let me because I went over 5000 characters * redface *


I agree that the J's are contracted for a S13 full schedule but 300 episodes would be mid S14. I could see 14 being a shortened season and then if the show continues a series of 6-10 episode seasons for as long as the fans and the J's are up for it. I am also thinking that Misha may not be long for the series. I think that is why he is getting the special "and Misha Collins" status in the credits. If the work load for the J's was 2-3 months instead of 9 they may be on board to go on indefinitely. I think they would also be on board for a return to the original format of the Brothers being the main focus instead of the ensemble show (that doesn't work) we are getting now.

If Kripke came back to the CW that would be a huge demotion. However Timeless will be his second failure for network TV if it isn't picked up. I don't think he has the same freedom on NBC as he had on the CW. What I would really love to see is Kripke/Nutter at the helm with Carver and Edlund writing the bulk of the episodes.

The only problem I can see for a shortened season is the production crew. What does that mean for them? I'm sure they are paid by the episode same as the stars. That would either mean they take a huge pay cut, they move on to other shows or they increase their workload by doing SPN and whatever other show they land on. SPN lost so many BTS production people and it really shows. Particularly Nicole and Todd. The editing and look of the show has suffered this season. I don't know how many other long time producers and crew would end up leaving.


The show has lost so many people already, behind the scenes and in the 'writer's room' and I'm sure we would lose many more if the format of the switches to short season.

I've always had the feeling that Kripke didn't want to come back. He's given 5 years to SPN (and all the years prior where he was struggling to bring the show to the air), and he's been trying to make his mark on NBC. He does seem to keep an eye on the show based on his tweets and he seems to have a good relationship with Jensen and Jared. Who knows what can happen?

I love that you brought up Misha's credits because I noticed the change and I don't understand. Historically, his fandom has always made a lot of noise when it looked like he was being demoted (petitions, campaigns, social media), but I haven't really heard anything this season. Either I'm completely out of touch or they know something I don't. I remember Misha saying he wasn't leaving Castiel and he wanted to stay until the end a couple of years ago. Did something change? Is he getting the same amount of screentime? I'd love a thread to discuss this and see what the others things. I'm saying this of course, because you're the one who brought it up * wink wink * :)


Okay, I googled the credit change and it doesn't seem to mean that he's on his way out.


It almost seems like special star status doesn't it? I know he did a short stint on Timeless so I was surmising that maybe he was dipping his toe into other waters. Castiel has been kind of pointless to the show for a long time. I don't mean that as an insult to Misha/Cas fans it's just the writers never seem to know what to do with him. We were promised this season a return to the warrior angel and that hasn't really happened. We were also promised that heaven and angels weren't going to be revisited but here we are back in heaven. I know that the J's and Misha have said they can't imagine the show going on without Castiel but unless they come up with something for him to do I can see Misha wanting to move on to other projects sooner rather than later.

So Castiel/Misha and his future on Supernatural?


"It almost seems like special star status doesn't it? "

Seems like it: "often they were supporting players who had become fan favorites".

"So Castiel/Misha and his future on Supernatural?"

I honestly didn't see it as him dipping his toes in other waters. He did a stint on "Ringer" a few years ago and CW is notorious for recycling its actors. Kripke hired him for "Timeless" the same way he hired Jim Beaver. All I ever heard Misha say is that he wants to stay on SPN until the end. I don't think Misha is going anywhere. As for Castiel's future, I have no idea. As long as he has a solo arc that allows him to exist outside of the Winchesters, I don't care what he's doing.
