MovieChat Forums > Invasion (2005) Discussion > 'Complete series' on DVD; Does this bug ...

'Complete series' on DVD; Does this bug anyone else?

I didn't watch this show when it was on. Not that I wasn't interested in it, but because I knew it would get canceled without resolving anything. In fact, I'm getting to the point where I really don't want to start watching any new drama with a continuing story arc simply because I know that it will be canceled without ever having an ending. Not that it matters since I'm not a 'Neilson' house, so my viewership doesn't matter one way or the other.

However, what really bugs me is that after canceling the show and basically giving the middle finger to all the fans, they put out the show on DVD as a "complete" series and expect people to pay for it.

In other words, they spit on the fans and then expect them to line up and fork over their money for an incomplete show that they never believed in.

Friggin' hypocrites...


Well calling it Invasion: season 1 would imply more seasons to come which there won't be. The complete series says that this was all that was and all that will be filmed.


How about calling it what it is; "Invasion: The Incomplete, Canceled Series"?

Besides, it's not so much that they used the word "complete" as it is that they expect to profit off something that they clearly didn't care about when it was on the air.

They basically spat on the show and threw it away, but the second they think they can squeeze a little extra money out of it, they're packaging it up like it's some major gift to the fans. "Here you go! See how generous we are for releasing this wonderful show on DVD?"


I completely agree. I still think about this show all the time. I was in high school when it was on, and my mom and I watched it together. We didn't miss a single episode (which was impressive then, because DVR didn't exist yet). We were so upset when it got cancelled, especially since it ended with a major cliff hanger. Calling it "complete" is an insult to the show and its fans.

There is so much crap on tv now. I don't understand why so many good shows are never even given a chance. A little quality and class would be nice for a change.

It's so stimulating being your hat!


Actually, DVRs were definitely around then. Perhaps your parents just didn't have one yet. We used ours to watch it and fast forward through the commercials.

Spare me your 6th grade Michael Moore logic! ~ Secretary Heller; 24, Day 4, 7:30:00 a.m.


Whether or not there were DVRs or not (and my family still doesn't have one, so I wouldn't know), there were certainly VCRs and it wasn't that difficult to program it to record a show that you were going to miss.

I remember doing that all the time as a kid. Althugh, come to think of it, we were probably one of the only people still using a VCR at that point, but there was still the option to record to a DVD if you lacked a VCR. It was much less convenient at least with our DVD player, so we always just did VHS, but....There were options.


Well, it was a wonderful show. The problem here is that ABC is loaded with jerks and wouldn't know a good story if it knocked them down... twice. ABC definitely stabbed their loyal viewers right in the back. I have vowed to never EVER watch another ABC show in my life. EVER. My kids, grown now, have also taken up my vow as has my husband. My kids were in high school when it was on and were shocked when ABC so stupidly ended the show with a freaking cliff hanger.

Reality shows suck and TV is going right down the tubes. They finally get a good show with great actors and a very interesting story and they just throw it all away for a bunch of losers trying to get famous by singing or dancing or whatever.

In any case, you're right about the "complete series" part. It was anything but complete. The only reason I would buy it is to support the actors and staff. As far as I'm concerned though, ABC can stick it right up its @ss.

Spare me your 6th grade Michael Moore logic! ~ Secretary Heller; 24, Day 4, 7:30:00 a.m.


I agree. All that's on nowadays is crappy reality TV. Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, the Voice, the X Factor - why do we need 3 voice-talent shows? All the horrible child pageant shows and annoying dating shows and depressing trash shows like Jersey Shore...TV is turning into garbage and there are very few worthwhile shows out there to combat it.

I liked Invasion. It was on TV while I was in high school, around the same time as Lost. But I could honestly never boycott ABC because it's one of the few stations that airs great shows with a continuing storyline. It had Lost and Desperate Housewives and now it has Revenge and Once Upon a Time.

Now even Fringe is wrapping up (I don't know whether it got cancelled or whether it's ending on its own terms) and it will probably be replaced with another 'Dancing with a Bachelor from the Jersey Shore' or 'Keeping Up with the Housewives of the Real World'.


I bought the 'complete' set.
It was $10 at Krogers.


It's not their fault that the show got canceled. I watched this show back when it was on the air and ABC promoted it pretty heavily. The only reason I started watching it was because I kept seeing previews and I thought it looked creepy and different. I really enjoyed the show and I wish it had stayed on the air but if I remember correctly it was up against some popular shows. ABC tried their best to promote it, but Invasion didn't have enough viewers to stay on the air. They were planning on ending the first season with a cliffhanger and instead that cliffhanger became the end of the entire show. I was interested in seeing what would've happened next but now we'll never know. I'm glad they put out the DVD because now I can go back and watch it when I feel like it.

