Based on the rare recent interviews they made,the creators are still butthurt about people not liking their ending
The other day i was reading a "ask me anything" did by Carter Bays (the creator of HIMYM with Craig Thomas) in 2022. Well,i was creeped out by how much he is still butthurt about people not loving his terrible HIMYM ending! And he also seems to suffer for the fact that people likes Barney more than Ted (who was his self-insert in the show) so he tries to use wokeism to "cancel" Barney. These are some of the things he wrote:
- "We didn't do the aw-shucks-ain't-life-great ending I've seen a lot of other series do, and I'm proud of us for taking that big swing. I have a lot of love for the ending we aired, and more importantly a lot of love for the people who love it." (So basically he says,if you loved the ending,i love you,otherwise,f**k you! Lol)
- "A reunion? I don't want to know what's next." (Of course! You already wrote your dream ending with your self-insert,the "Nice Guy" staying with Robin,of course you dont want to touch that!)
- Then,he admits "we didn't really have any sense of how much chemistry Barney and Robin would have." (The thing that almost destroyed his Ted-Robin plan! People loved it too much and he wasnt happy about it)
- Then,he proceeds to try to "cancel" Barney,as he hates the fact that he is more popular than Ted (this was a "theory" that is heavily discussed in HIMYM fan forum,because of many things he said during the years). First he actually admits that many "evil things" Barney said or did are actually just exagerrations from Ted or things that are just made for comic effects that should not be takes as canonical:
"Yes I think they're exaggerations. I mean it kind of gets to this Brechtian thing where really the whole show is an exaggeration. Real bars have four walls. Real people don't pause for laughs from the laugh track. And likewise, what the characters say isn't always exactly what was really said. The whole show is aware that it's a performance, a story being told for an audience. So no, you don't have to believe any of that stuff if you don't want to."
But then,he proceeds to cancel Barney using wokeism,thats what he says:
"I always get in trouble when I say things that rile up the fanatical Barney apologists (??) out there. But yes, I think Barney was a womanizer. He was a flawed guy. Funny, loveable, but flawed. And I think Ted at least did his best to be a pretty good guy. But that's just me. (So,he says: Ted at least was a nice guy11 but you guys didnt like it enough! Shame on you!! Lol)
Then,when someone asks him about Lily's bad behavior in some situations during the series,he cant resist anymore and shows all his hatred towards the popularity of Barney:
"Aw, I love Lily. I think she's good people and tries her best. And just to say it, I'm always amazed and impressed at how Barney just skates on by in these discussions of "okay but which character was the actual worst." Barney confessed to human trafficking. It's a joke we definitely shouldn't have done and in hindsight we should probably edit out, but it's there. (But didnt he earlier said that some things are just exagerattions,so not canonical??) NPH is so charming, it's 100% to his credit that Barney is so much fun and so damn likeable, but in terms of which character has caused the most damage in the world, how is this even a debate??
To put it another way that answers your question, if Barney is walking around not in prison in 2022, Lily is not the only one who escaped punishment."
So,yeah,thats all,the vibe that i got from these Bays words is that he is still butthurt over the fact that people hated his terrible ending,and that his self-insert is the actual evil guy,and the character he wrote to be the "evil one" is actually the most popular one! He and Thomas basically didnt manage to do anything since HIMYM ended (many failed tv pilots) and honestly,if they still havent learned anything from their mistakes in HIMYM,they deserve this.