Plot hole

When we are introduced to barneys brother, we the viewer and robin are surprised that he's gay and black. but then it becomes clear that he's very much like barney when he shows off his suit and repeats a lot of barneys catchphrases... showing that despite their very obvious diferences they are very much alike.

But! We later learn that barneys personality was something that came about having being dumped by his girlfriend at the coffee shop, before he was a hippie. his suits and his personality changed in adult life, not something that came from his family, his upbringing....


Well it was a mix of both. In season 3,in the episode where they go to the gym,we see in a flashback that when Barney was left by his girlfriend,his brother James,who at the time was trying to hide his homosexuality,gave him the advice to go into casual sex and pushed him to sleep with an older woman.


but the whole suits thing and that sort of "legendary" stuff came from the advice he got in the coffee shop. years later. when his girlfriend left him he changed.


True. We can then theorize that while Barney learned how to become a playboy,James stoppped hiding his homosexuality and both of them developed their "legendary" style at the same style,and it was Barney who told James about always wearing suits for example.


This ^.

Not to mention that despite the hippie gf incident, their being raised by a self-described whore for a mother is going to have an effect on their psyche and how they treat people.

And fittingly, Wayne Brady is the one who wakes up and settles down first BECAUSE he didn't have that baggage of being dumped by the hippie gf.


The whole show is pretty much one big plot hole.


A number of character inconsistencies exist in this show. As in most shows. It's not real life. It's entertainment and a sit com at that.


The fact that older Ted is an unreliable narrator covers all sorts of problems.






Not sure what the plot hole is supposed to be here. There may be similarities between Barney and his brother but the series doesn't claim that it is a family thing. Actually the series more than often pokes fun at the supposed similarities between the two brother and the actual differences.


what the OP is saying is that in this episode, when we are told that barneys brother is coming to see him, what do we expect? we expect a white guy. what we get is not only a black guy (not even mixed) but gay!

Which is the polar opposite to barney, a white guy who is a "bro" in other words obsessed with woman, in steep contrast to his gay brother. all done for comic effect! to surprise the viewer.

yet we are shown just how alike they are as the episode goes on, the way they speak, the obssesion with suits, their "straight to the pointness"

but barney got all this corporate speak and suits stuff from the guy who stole his girlfriend, it came way after childhood.

so why does the show try and present this to you like something that barney and his brother have in common? it's like "one is white, the other is black, one is gay and the other is straight, but deep down it's clear they are brothers because look at their personality"

barneys personality didn't come from his family, it came from being dumped, so how would that make his brother be the same? thats what the OP is asking.

and he's right!
