MovieChat Forums > The Closer (2005) Discussion > Stroh not that stupid.

Stroh not that stupid.

So, we are supposed to believe that Stroh manages to kill women and bury them left and right while he knows that cops could be watching him? Hard to believe.



Serial killers are not only smart, they're arrogant and think they're smarter than everyone else

They're also psycho and even the ones that get away with it for years eventually get caught


think about your statement, squiffydoodle...

...They're also psycho and even the ones that get away with it for years eventually get caught

a perfect crime is defined as:
a crime, or crimes, that are undetected, unattributed to a perpetrator, or else unsolved as a kind of technical achievement on the part of the perpetrator.

there are criminals/perps in the world who commit a crime who are never found, die from natural or unnatural causes, and/or simply get away with it...

so to say "even the ones that get away with it for years eventually get caught" is incorrect...

there are billions of people on this planet, and there are probably lots of them who committed a crime and are still out there walking free...

HOME is where the HEAT is...


There are more than a few people who get away with murder.
They go to their deaths without ever being caught.
They are either very lucky or very smart.


I was talking about serial killers ~ they're so addicted to killing that they eventually get caught

Perhaps there are billions of serial killers that never get caught, I don't know ~ I only know about the ones we hear about

A couple of the most prolific serial killers lived in my area and both were caught


I was talking about serial killers ~ they're so addicted to killing that they eventually get caught

Perhaps there are billions of serial killers that never get caught, I don't know ~ I only know about the ones we hear about

A couple of the most prolific serial killers lived in my area and both were caught

The following is a list of 13/14 serial killers who have never been caught. 2 killers may have been caught in your area, but the majority of serial killers get away with it. Yes they like to kill, but they can go years between kills and that's another reason why so few of them get caught.

1. Charlie Chop-Off

2. Servant Girl Annihilator

3. The Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run

4. Axeman of New Orleans

5. Jack the Ripper

6. The Doodler

7. Beer Man

8. The Zodiac Killer

9. The Grim Sleeper (arrested a suspect)

10. The Rainbow Maniac

11. Bible John

12. Jack the Stripper

13. The Moonlight Murderer

14. The Babysitter

John Douglas, a very famous FBI profiler, has said that a very conservative estimate of how many serial killers are out there is between 35-50 active serial killers in the United States at any given time. Serial killers tend to kill 2-3 victims and then have a period of time between kills where they don't kill at all.

Serial killers are very successful killers, which is why a lot of them don't get caught. It's not like they go out and brag about their kills.

What you call discovery, I call the rape of the natural world.


Yes, Ted Bundy was one of the serial killers who lived in my area, the other was Gary Ridgeway

there is between 35-50 active serial killers in the United States at any given time

That's a cheery thought, thank you for that



Yes, Ted Bundy was one of the serial killers who lived in my area, the other was Gary Ridgeway

there is between 35-50 active serial killers in the United States at any given time

That's a cheery thought, thank you for that.

Yeah, but that is less than one per state.

It could always be worse.


Sig Line:

NASCAR EVILS: Speeding, Tailgating, No Signals, Dangerous Passing, Road Rage, Wrecks...


He was arrogant and became careless, thinking he was way too smart to ever get caught. He looked like a totally different person than Stroh the rapist defending lawyer. He looked unhinged.



And don't forget that some of these buried victims had been dead for more than two years. So Stroh had plenty of time to build up his confidence that, since he was smarter than anyone else and had gotten away with it so far, he would continue to be successful.


homo-hanky-panky.... really?


Home hanky [anky - offensive and inappropriate.


The cops weren't watching him and he knew that. They didn't have enough evidence against him in the earlier cases and he'd already sued them for harassment. There's no way they'd be able to get the necessary approval to assign a surveillance team to him. He was in the free and clear as far as police following him.
