MovieChat Forums > The Closer (2005) Discussion > Final Scene of Old Money?? Also, TNT SUC...

Final Scene of Old Money?? Also, TNT SUCKS!!!

Stupid TNT keeps screwing with the times and running the Closer long at 3 am so I keep missing the final scenes of the show. Can anyone tell me what happened in the last scene of Old Money, the one where Flynn is almost killed in a knife attack. The DVD cut out right after she gets the bad guy and Raydor opens the door to come into her office?

Thanks if you can help.


Oh, crap. I just saw that one and can't remember. That may have been the scene where Raydor continues sucking up -- when she leaves, Brenda tells Fritz she couldn't take Pope's job; Fritz points out that Pope would take hers in a shot and Brenda thinks about it (or was that earlier?).

I set my DVD for a full hour extra on The Closer cuz I've seen episodes start 45 minutes late!


Logic is our best defense against The Experts.


Thanks the Pope would take your job happened earlier in that episode. I know Raydor came in and said something, I just wasn't sure what it was. Sucking up, eh?

Anyway thanks for your help. TNT needs to die.


Sorry I couldn't remember. I just frakking saw the episode. I am getting so old. Grrr.


Logic is our best defense against The Experts.


I had this episode recorded... ironically, my DVR rebooted in the middle of the episode so I missed about 15 min about 3/4ths through but it started recording again once it restarted so it captured the end.

Raydor comes in and hands over Andy's folder saying he is in the clear. They exchange kind words and Brenda ask Raynor why is she being so nice to which she responds that she thinks FID and Major crimes to work better together to solve their cases and they should do lunch.

Fritz arrives and Raynor exits and he teases Brenda about figuring out which of Pope's drawers will be best for her candy stash. An apparently surprised Brenda ask what does he mean and he explains that newly appointed Delk is gonna ask Brenda to take over Pope's old job of which she looks out the doorway at her team and she says "I already know what I want" as she watches the team but then turns around to Fritz as he ask her what and she says Five more minutes. End Scene.

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory



Thanks I really appreciate that!
