MovieChat Forums > The Closer (2005) Discussion > Pope ascending to Chief, Stroh not kille...

Pope ascending to Chief, Stroh not killed

This is my favorite TV crime series: not too gory, no ridiculous CSI-type events, no courtroom drama. The interrogation techniques depicted are a very high-level demonstration of "don't talk to the police".

I just reviewed the series online and did notice two minor plot elements which seemed inconsistent.

In the search for a new Chief of Police, Brenda and Delk were on the short-list and Pope was not. When Delk was selected and then quickly died, Pope became the new Chief. Seems much more logical for Delk's replacement to have come from the short-list too, since Pope didn't make the original cut.

After Brenda fired 3 rounds through her purse into Stroh, she would have simply let him exsanguinate before calling 911. She had already demonstrated on at least 3 occasions that if she couldn't nail someone, she had no problem arranging for criminals to do the job; she would not pass up this golden opportunity.

Send lawyers, Glocks, and money!


You are totally right about Pope becoming chief. It was one of those inconsistent that I hate that shows do.


I think the plot element in Pope being elected to Chief of Police after Delk's death was that Brenda did not want the job and Pope was already used to elements of the job so it would be an easier transition than taking someone else who had no experience and trying to transition them in after the loss of Delk.

Brenda called 911 after Stroh broke in and she shot him b/c I think a part of her knew she was in a lot of trouble already after the tussle in the elevator and the coroner would have been able to show that she let him die after being shot and doing nothing. Yes I know he broke into her house and all and stabbed Rusty but I think she also learned that sometimes the justice system does work and she isn't the person to decide who lives and dies by her hand when she doesn't get her way.

