Does anyone else think the ending to the Dad-over-the-cliff episode implies that the kid was in on it?




Yes. I have watched this episode twice, and both times came to the same conclusion. "Mom" had to protect her daughter (more Money...!)


She has to protect her daughter because she is the meal ticket and it's fun to be the mother of a star. The kid seemed such a bad actress ("I loved my daddy!") that she would have blown the plan.


Yes, definitely!

the funny thing is, I just watched the episode now and immediately came to imdb to see, if anybody had the same idea as me, that the kid was involved and the first thread on the board was Star turn (episode title) :)

the kid was quite obvious, her eyes nearly smiling and smug at the end. You could see on Brenda´s face, that she understood it that moment, she looked horrified and astonished


no, the kid had nothing to do with the scam and brenda is horrified that the young girl has learned to play the game so quickly.
