Joel question . . .

Okay, cat owners --- would your cat just sit there on the bed licking if someone had broken into your house? My cat would have a freaking coronary if there were a stranger skulking around his house. Heck, I get prompt notification if there's a rabbit in the backyard.


I don't own a cat right now but previous cats I've had would have reacted exactly as you described. BTW, thanks for a good laugh.


My dog would freak out. My cat would look up disdainfully and then go back to licking herself, or, "playing the cello," as my husband calls it.


I guess it depends on the cat.


I totally agree. I have 12 cats (no lie) and if someone other than me is in the house they would be on alert. Each one reacts differently, but the all react when someone else (even close family) is in the house. If someone came in my bathroom window, at least six cats would be sitting outside the door when it opened. Those six would scatter, alerting the other six and me to danger.

Love my cats. Loved Kitty and cried when she had to be put down. Joel did not have big enough part, very disappointing.


12 cats! How cool is that!


Very cool. It was an accident, but I love them all. I went from one kitten to 12 in two years. They are a lot of work and kinda expensive, but they are like my kids. Yeah, my kids are spoiled rotten and a handful with 12 different personalities. Imagine 12 siblings (6 of each sex) only 2-3 years apart in age.


My mother's cat would lie flat on her back and start meowing at the stranger to give her a belly rub.


We're dog people. Our dogs are elderly, so it's hard to say what they would do. Our female, who is still really alert, would probably respond. Our male is growing deaf, so he might not hear the struggle. My sister's cat would probably hide somewhere, since he's not all that keen on visitors.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops!



My cat would just saunter away and do something else. It isn't exactly an alert cat.


I love the name "Joel." I think it's very funny when pets have mundane human names. We tend to give our pets name like that. We've had a Joey, a Simon, an Irene, and a Deborah.

I think it this case, it was meant to be yet another unsubtle hint that Fritz wants children, though.


We had a big, fluffy black-and-white cat named Archie, or Archibald, as we sometimes called him. The quintessential cat. He controlled the neighborhood--even beat up dogs.


Definitely depends on the cat. One of mine hid at the faintest hint of a person coming her way (she has been abandoned, outdoors, y her previous guardian); her daughter (who was born after I caught the mother) has zero fear of strangers.

"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."
