Gabriel on Castle

So Monday's episode of castle had the one, the only, Sgt. Gabriel. Of course, he wasn't Sgt Gabriel, but it was awesome to see him. I was like "maybe Kira is going to pop out somewhere and they are doing undercover".
If you haven't watched the latest episode of Castle, stop reading.
He ended up being the killer. I called it the minute I saw his face, cause they wouldn't use an actor with that much talent as a side, nothing character. He HAD to be the killer!


I don't normally watch 'Castle' so I didn't know...but it's interesting that he played such a self-righteous cop on this show for 7 years and then played a killer on another show. Maybe I should check out that episode of Castle...just to see how he does playing a villain for a change, since I have not seen the actor on any other show besides this one.


He isn't on it very long just FYI. He is in it maybe 10 minutes. But you should watch it, Castle is a great show anyways :-)


I've watched a couple of eps of Castle before but never could get into it...but I'll probably give it another chance, thanks.
