
In which season did Brenda's Mom die? Was it the last scene in the last season? In an interview Kyra said that she wanted the show to go out with "something dark."
(I obviously haven't seen all the shows yet, and my network station doesn't put the shows on in order.)

(In fact, what IS the subject of the very last show of season 7?)



It was not the last episode. Either one or two episodes before the last. It's not the only dark thing that happens!


*Thanks* for answering...

So WHAT'S the "general" idea of what other dark thing happens????



Brenda gets satisfaction in that she solves a crime that's been really bothering her, but she pays a high price. Is that general enough?


>>Brenda gets satisfaction in that she solves a crime that's been really bothering her, but she pays a high price. Is that general enough? <<

Of course not !!!!



Okay, I'll bite:

I think of the last episode as a segue. It showed Brenda returning to work and not wholly sure of anything. The leak has been solved, Stroh has been jailed, and to me the episode just segues the change in leadership from Brenda to Sharon Raydor.

It also showed how her squad - a group of men who hated her in Episode 1 (they all requested transfers) had such loyalty that they would shield her from anything. Her last line of the series is the exact line of her entry in Episode one: "looks like love." I thought it was a great note.

In prior seasons, we've seen Brenda's reaction to other detectives who become obsessed with a particular case: Flynn and the Roy Wilkins case in "Speed Bump," a retired detective in "Elysian Fields," and of course Gabriel in "Ruby," to name a few.

It's the way Brenda viewed the Stroh case: it's the one that they couldn't close the way they wished. The darkness is not from her mother's death in the next-to-last episode.

Stroh not only haunted her; the case taunted her because in not being able to close it, she felt inadequate in some way. In the last episode, I felt as though she rolled the dice to get Stroh's DNA on a crucial piece of evidence that would nail him - and in the process went against all the rules. She did what she disdained in others: manipulated evidence to get the desired outcome.

She also involved the DA and Dr. Morales in it. I think the reason the DA offered her a job was as a reward for putting her career further on the line. Don't forget, we saw the lawsuit and the "Johnson Rule" which humiliated her and also made her feel like a failure. To Brenda, her success was measured not by the many cases closed: she measured it by the one crucial case that eluded her.

I think had there been an 8th season, Brenda would have gone further over the edge, I believe. There were several instances where she deserved the accusations that Stroh's attorney leveled at her - where she played judge, jury and executioner.

But Sedgwick got her wish, although the last scene was poignant and loving, the episode itself was dark because of what I wrote above.

Didn't mean to be flippant, but I sincerely wanted to flesh out the answer for you.

English MA: Symbolism/my life. Truth vs the world - Boudicca of the Iceni


I was so sad when her mum died, I really like Brenda's parents. But her mum's death was so sudden and unexpected that it was confusing to me...I mean how did she die? Did she die from some disease or illness that was never mentioned? Or did she overdose on sleeping pills? Or what? Was it accidental or deliberate? It just felt so sudden and confusing, her mum had always looked healthy enough to me, so if she was suffering from some kind of illness then she did a great job at hiding it. Even though during the last days of her life it was obvious she was worried about something and wanted to talk to Brenda the night before but she was too busy, we still don't know for sure what she wanted to talk to Brenda about, but I think it had something to do with her death the next day.

It's really sad to have Brenda's mum die towards the end of the show...I had thought that if Brenda were to lose a parent on the show it would've been her father because the show has highlighted her father's health problems numerous times, with him suffering 2 strokes and then being diagnosed with thyroid cancer, you would've thought that he would've been the more likely parent to die if Brenda were to lose a parent on the show. I think that only made Brenda's mum's death all the more shocking and unexpected...but then again, if Brenda's dad had died instead, then that would've been much too obvious and expected, I suppose they wanted to shock the audience with her mother suddenly dying, and it was effective, at least to me, I didn't expect her mum to die at all.
