MovieChat Forums > The Closer (2005) Discussion > starting to absolutely HATE 'Brenda's' c...

starting to absolutely HATE 'Brenda's' character!!!!

I know no one replies to this message board by the looks of it, but I have to vent. What the
F;))==/:++$)#(#"+..CK are they doing to her character? She's old enough to be going thru early onset menopause but acts like a 6 year-old with her daddy. I have stopped watching a show before if a character really gets on my nerves. Plus I don't think ANY man would put up with her.certainly not Fritz, he's a honey. It actually feels like my blood pressure goes up when I have to be subjected to such a totally neurotic person. Can't stand the way she treats Fritz.


Yeah, I keep wondering what in the world Fritz hangs around for. I can't even imagine that Brenda can keep her mind on sex for very long...she's so scattered! And I agree...the way she acts around her parents is so child-like....and the fake sounding sweetness sets my teeth on edge. I like her better when she's being a heartless bitch to her suspects.


Hey there is someone else out there. Hi. Ya Fritz is a real honey. I really really liked this show at first. I still love almost everyone else except Brenda. If I were Fritz I would have tossed her out on her asp a long time ago. I got to about season 4 and stopped "marathoning" the show. I love Netflix and Amazon prime cause I can find new shows and have a marathon viewing. I also started doing this with Lie to me on Amazon. Although the main character is really obnoxious sometime. Still it's worth watching.


hey, goofs and claudia - go get some professional help - you're both taking this tv show WAYYYY too seriously.
wherever you go, there you are:)


While I love Fritz he is far from perfect. Season5 for example. He declined a promotion and took out his frustration on Brenda without telling her about it. The whole background of Brenda is about how everything comes second to the job and how that changes over time. I have the feeling that if it were a male character it would be lauded as a great characteristic but of course women cannot be competent at work without someone bitching about something else.


My radar for anti-woman sentiments is pretty strong, and fwiw, I think the criticism of the Brenda-Fritz relationship is valid. The relationship is totally imbalanced -- she needs and he supplies, but when he has any needs, she's unavailable or in a denying mode or too self-absorbed to pay attention. I'd dislike that relationship just as much if it were the other way (as it is often depicted), because imbalance stinks.

To me, it's just a bad relationship, not an indictment of Brenda-as-strong-woman (that is, not a way of cutting down to size a woman who is powerful and effective at work).

A poster in another thread suggested that Fritz's insights into his alcoholism might have made him more accepting of other people's faults/weaknesses, which seems valid. Or, this could be an example of a not-so-healthy co-dependent relationship. Or, it could be that the writers didn't give enough thought to this relationship, because surely there was a way to show how self-centered Brenda was without making so implausible her relationship with Fritz ( = Fritz is depicted as so strong and emotionally-psychologically healthy, but a really healthy guy wouldn't want or tolerate someone who never thinks about his needs).

"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."


You have to remember that in the first episode the instant Fritz learned that Brenda was in LA he sought her out. It kind of indicates he may have always been in love with her. He also knew about her affair with the married Will Pope [and I really don't see what she saw in him]. And when he proposed he said she was the woman he's been looking for all his life.

Bottom line, we love who we love. The key is accepting them as they are. What I like about Brenda and Fritz is he doesn't trying to change her into who he wants her to be. He loves her as she is, even though a lot of times he doesn't like some of the things she does. He gets her.

And we really don't know how Fritz is when he's trying to close a case. We've seen shades of him being just as manipulative as Brenda can be. Like when Kitty died and he asked her to look for a missing person for him, and when it was all over he revealed he manipulated Brenda into doing everything he wanted her to do when he told his partner he told him this is exactly what would happen.

Fritz put up with a lot to get Brenda and he knew what he was getting before they said I do. She makes him happy. She's who he wants. And he knows and understands her.


Keep in mind that Fritz and Brenda are both in the same business. A highly demanding profession that they bring home with them and discuss. It's not an accident that Brenda had an affair with Pope. She was so driven to succeed and so competitive that she would never view her job as a 9 to 5 day's work. Neither would Fritz. That they found each other was very lucky.


there's a BIG difference between being engaged in a dialogue about a tv show, and being overtly emotional/obsessed with the show and/or its characters...imo y'all have crossed that line and y'take this stuff too seriously. Back up a few steps and just enjoy the shows -I hate to be the one to tell you but it's not REAL ---- IT'S JUST A TV SHOW!

wherever you go, there you are:)


I find Brenda to be an absolute Bitch. She had absolutely no respect for Fritz when she constantly drank in front of him as he was a recovering alcoholic. She treat Sharon like crap when Sharon was just doing her job. She was responsible for Turrell Baylor (even though he was scum).



Totally!!! It's too bad writers ( or producers or whothehellever) have too mess up a great show like that. I really loved that show, I binge watched it for several days straight. But I did start fast forwarding past her parts. I really liked her character at first and she IS a great actress, I have always loved her. Thanks for the feedback and keep rocken.
