I wish people would lighten up

This movie wasn't too bad. A little exaggerated yes, but not bad.



If this film was 10 years old instead of 3 I could cut it some slack. The ideas, perception of the internet, and the idea that porn will corrupt you so totally is completely asinine. This film confirms all the stereotypes of Lifetime in one production.


Sergio-A-Storms Signature Reads:

"Lord, please protect me from your followers...Amen."

How appropriate for the residents of this planet.

I wish I could remember the bumper sticker, it went something like "Pray for an end to religion." or something to that effect . . . again what I believe is a witty and timely warning against man's religions and "holy" writings, the precursors to most wars and destruction of human life, horrifying degradation of individuals, without denying the existance of creator, intelligent designer, or higher power.


lol, that must have really pissed you off

The signature was meant to make fun of religious extremists such as yourself, it's not pro-athiest you idiot.

I even once said that before and I'm not an athiest.

Yes it's true, there is such thing as people who aren't athiest, but still gets annoyed by religious fundamentalist.

(my sig) the movie I most anticipate for 2009



Count me in on that, william86. I actually consider myself to be fairly religious and I take my faith seriously, but it's usually the "holier than thou" peeps who can't take no for an answer and insist on going against God's permition of free will.

But regarding this terrible movie, it's definately craptacular. Bad writing, bad acting, bad editing -- it's golden.


I suggest those of you neandarthals who think it's healthy for teens to look at porn check out the book "A New Man", about a former porn addict who reveals just how deadly porn really is. And yes, how horrible are Christians; they're so much worse than creeps who value women for nothing more than sex pictures in cheap outfits.

Indie, try being a believer instead of just "religious", because you're not and it's pitifully obvious.


I think it sucks that you would say something like that. I used the word "religious" only because it is the most common heard way of saying you believe in something, though I know what you mean. To be honest, I consider myself, foremost, a Christian, not religious and not a believer. If I was only religious, it would mean I continue to practice what is preached without understanding the spirit of the law. If I was merely a believer, it would mean that I don't follow, I only believe it is there. I aspire to put my faith in the foreground, ahead of religion.

I don't think I ever said porn wasn't harmful. My beef with this movie is that it took it to a length where it was almost hilarious. The acting, the script, etc. etc. is incredibly funny.

I do know that most kids explore it. I was, my no means, saying they should continue, it was the way this movie went into it.

I think the part that bothers me most of all is your assumption that I am setting a bad example of a Christian. It's unfair that you judge me based on a post I made in here.

I'm sure you're a good guy, but I think it's wrong when someone points the finger in such a spiteful way to another he knows nothing about. This sounds like a cliche, but it's usually that attitude that repels people from Christians. I'm not suggesting being weak in faith, nor am I suggesting a meeting the world halfway, but I think it's a shame when I hear statements like the one you made.

I think that's just wear we bump heads.


I'm sorry if I misjudged you, but you sounded like everyone else around here. It seemed that you were implying that holier than thou people are worse than porn-addicts and that something against porn actually threatens God's concept of free will. In cases like this, you need to speak very strongly against something this evil, and all you spoke against instead was religious-extremes; it really looked like you were just going with the flow. And btw, not that it makes much difference here, but I'm a woman, not a man.


LOL, sorry about that, Ma'dam. :P


No problem :) Sorry I made the wrong assumption.


So first of all, I am a girl, and I am a Christian who regularly attends church (just to clear that up before there is any confusion). Okay, so I think it is ridiculously judgmental of you to refer to anyone who doesn't think of pornography as a blasphemous deed, as neanderthals. What happened to "he [or she] who is without sin, cast the first stone"? And yes, it is possible for someone to become a porn addict, but it is equally possible for someone to become an addict with ANYTHING else. And like most addicts, they are a minority. The average person [male] won't be addicted to porn.

And if you take the potential addiction out of the equation, who is porn really hurting? I know that in high school, when my boyfriend was constantly horny and needing to get that excess semen his body kept producing out, porn and masturbating sure helped; at least it stopped him from pressuring me to have sex way before I was ready.

Plus, I must have missed the part of porn when men FORCED women into cheap outfits and took pictures/videos without consent... All women in porn choose to do what they are doing, so if they put it out there why not? Also, "creeps who value women for nothing more than sex pictures in cheap outfits"... generalize much? If all these women put out are sexy pictures in cheap outfits, what more are these "creeps" supposed to value about them?

Have you ever even considered any of the benefits porn may offer? It can give men an outlet for their fantasies without subjecting their spouse/significant other to them. And have you considered that men don't need to value these porn women, because, like I said, they can have an outlet, without developing any sort of real feelings for these women, and not hurting their loved one?



Oh and emlo-Dick, nice try at the private message insult; I always love seeing porn-loving losers screw themselves, but it is rather pathetic. I happen to know for a fact that I'm not on your ignore list, moron, because my reply to your PM showed up in my outbox. It's clear you just have a thing for porn, so your feeble mind makes it impossible for me to take you seriously. It's also clear that you can't get laid, or you wouldn't defend porn so rabidly. In the meantime, welcome to my ignore list. Unlike you, I actually have the guts to ignore someone when I say I will.


Saramac, you're highly ignorant if you don't think porn is hurtful. It doesn't just cheapen women, it makes men lust for things they can't have, for empty shells instead of women as they really are. You're also very naive if you think women are never mistreated by their porn "bosses". You actually think porn helps boys? That's just pitiful. Masturbation is natural and so is artistic nudity; I'd like to make that very clear. Porn, however, is NOT. I don't think all men who see it are neanderthals; some are just addicted or even lonely (try watching Fireproof for an example). But the bastards around here who crawl out of the gutter to defend porn, knowing full well how filthy it is, and who say nasty, disgusting things about women and men who speak against it? They're BEYOND neanderthals. Try reading "A New Man", by a former porn addict who saw, up close, what it did and does to various men and women. Good God, this world is pitiful, and if I see ONE more so-called "Christian" defending porn or some other harmful lifestyle and pretending to be "non-judgemental" about it, I'll scream. Don't even try giving that non-judgemental crap; not judging people doesn't mean you keep your mouth shut about harmful practices.



I agree. Some people get WAY too into porn and start forgetting about real relationships, real women/men, real physical INTERACTION with humans--whether just for fun or because of love. Sex loses its biggest part--the connection with somebody else you want to please who wants to please you. If sexuality is just "me me me," what happens with relationships? Do you expect the other person to be up for anything or do things that are uncomfortable--the things they do in most porn? Porn is so unrealistic and if you're ALWAYS watching that, how is real sex going to compare? And if you are already in a relationship, how do you allow yourself to create ridiculously unreal fantasies and ignore your real life lover? That's a disconnection in your relationship that will grow over time. If you are in a monogamous relationship, you shouldn't HAVE TO look at porn to satisfy yourself OR prefer porn over your lover.

If somebody watches porn more than they have real sex, I think there is a problem. Life is about connecting to people and sharing joy/pleasure...jerking off is not beneficial for the masturbator or any possible/actual mates. You need to get out there and get to know real people who deserve pleasure, and give them that. Life's not all about yourself. That's my philosophy. Sex is a reward for nice people, not just a feeling you want so you look at pictures/videos of women you don't know a thing about...

Porn addictions just degrade women into sex objects. How do you get addicted to getting aroused thinking of screwing someone you know nothing about besides their cup size? Porn addicts have no standards and don't see people as having flaws or personalities...they're just bodies for their own use. It's unhealthy to be so distant.

And Christianity does not respect women any more than porn does, for the record. Silent baby-making machine isn't any level above sex object.


"And Christianity does not respect women any more than porn does, for the record"

I and many other Christians greatly respect women, Bunny. Christ greatly honored women and went against the silent oppressive laws against them in His time.



Check out the Old Testament for some misogyny. Christians themselves may respect women, but their religion doesn't.


Actually, the Christians go primarily by the NT, which abolishes old rules that had only temporary necessity. Yes, Jews and many others used to be cruel to women, but this was not God's wish. Comparing Christianity to porn is absurdly inaccurate; the Bible even tells women to dress with dignity and men to die for their wives.


Of course RW so-called Xns go by the NT when it suits them. Get them on gay rights and 'religious liberty' and they are OT to suit their needs. It's so hypocritical. It's such hypocrisy I'm surprised anyone growing up wants to engage with Xns. (I am Xn by the way).

The problem with this movie is it is with a 16 or 17 young man who is dealing with his budding sexuality. If this was a 26 or 27 y/o man who constantly watches porn to the exclusion of his job or responsibilities, maybe just maybe you can say he has an issue with porn. But a virginal 17 y/o guy whose girlfriend won't sleep with him? What else is he to do? Get real.


Porn is no big deal and a young teen who can't get any with his girlfriend has "nothing else to do"? That's not even remotely a Christian point of view, it's a cold mockery and one of the stupidest, most ignorant a person could have.


this movie is horrible in every way. Not only is the whole concept of the movie absolutely ridiculous but so are the characters and all their actions. This movie is trash and propaganda. Plain and simple




I did want to scream at the protagonist through the whole movie simple things like to shut the dang door. It's like that song that goes, "Haven't you ever heard of closing the ...damn door?" Who watches porn with the door open, and he wonders why he gets into such a snowball of trouble. This of course sounds like a bad review, but it was watchable to me simply because I still managed to feel bad for the guy. He ruined his life unnecessarily, and instead of having no sympathy for him, it's like, poor guy's stupidity is screwing him up. I guess we're supposed to think porn makes everyone dangerously irrational. Not all of us have had such a problem.


Yep, captgage. Apparently Whitespirit has some major sexual hangups. I for one moment do not believe he is a guy because guys just don't give a *beep* about porn to the point where they'd spend hours on IMDB answering every post that says 'lighten up, porn isn't bad'. Pretty much every guy I knew who I grew up with watched or looked at 'porn' and there is not one rapist in the group, and we all went on to relationships. Most were healthy, but the unhealthy ones had nothing to do with porn.

Do I think porn addiction is real? I suppose, but if you are mentally ill you could be addicted to ANYTHING. Some people are addicted to washing their hands compulsively. Does that mean I should be shamed for telling my son to wash his hands when he's used the restroom for fear that he'll develop that addiction? White spirit is just an idiot, and a zealous one at that.


LMAO I never said I was a guy, Einstein. And go ahead with the "ALL us guys did it" excuse, doesn't change a damn thing.

