To Many Things(Spoilers)

First of all I will say the movie was awesome as all hell and a movie has to be really interesting for me to watch something with subtitles. But, iono exactly how the Chinese mafia works but...

1st. In beginning when he gives the guys 3seconds to leave then the 1 guy shoots some guy like 3 times, youd assume guy would be dead but you see him later before guy gets his head beat by the phone.

2nd.The guy with the gun from the above scene apparently is the only one who carrys a gun or even knows how to aim one.

3rd.Hes in his house/hotel room flicking light on and off and you hear a noise (Got to play close attention) and yet hes sitting in silence doesnt seem to notice it and gets beaten by those 3 guys yet he has insane fighting skills and couldnt take them... Even though half times its pitch black and whod know his room better than anyone else?

4th.In the ice rink he sees guy go for his pocket and yet thinks nothing of it? And gets shiv'd like 9 times and then other guy doesn't even care to think what the hell could be in his big black bag and lets him grab a gun out?

5th.Hes been shiv'd 9 times and still very conscious and blood loss doesn't seem to affect him at all throughout movie

6th.In end he just walks into the room theres least 20 guys in there (None have guns apparently) And the boss just gets shot, and the guy takes a shot to the back of the dome yet still has more fight left in him.

7th.While the gunfights go on lights up above pop from being shot yet the ceiling has to least be 20ft high even the most in-experienced shooter can shoot somewhat forward and not the roof.

Iono... Like I said iono how Chinese mafia works so I dont know if they all carry guns or not, and movies arent meant to be 100% accurate and realistic but this one kinda does some out of the ordinary stuff.

All in all its still a really good movie.


You looked way too much into this. I suppose you just picked up on the plot holes and decided not to overlook them. The only one I can really answer is that most KOREAN crime flicks (Chinese cinema is completely different) feature bats, blades and fists. This rings true to almost every Korean gangster flick I've seen. Try and appreciate the style of directing coupled with the music score, instead of the continuity. IMO, there is nothing better than a good Korean movie.

-"I ain't got time to bleed."


1 & 2: The gun was more for scaring that killing really, korean gangs usually fight with bats and knives, rarely with guns. Getting a gun in countries like Japan and Korea is very difficult.

Also, SunWoo has a very good aim, when he shoots Mun Suk (the guy who broke his fingers) he shoots him in the exact same fingers of the same hand. You can bet it was no coincidence.

3:You did see that he bought a couple of beers in the store right? Until that point we never actually see Sun Woo drink

4:He seriously went to ask the other guy why he did that, and got caught by surprise. Sun Woo is the only "honest" guy in the whole film about his intentions from start to finish

5:It does affect him, eventually he can barely stand still or hold his cellphone near the end of the film. Depending on which part of the body one gets shot or stabbed, it doesn't mean there will be instant death. Dying by just loosing blood can take a bit you know, and after the stabbing the film stablishes that not a lot of time passed from there and to when Sun Woo arrives to the hotel. Not to mention that in the film his death was certainly streched for dramatic purposes too.

6: The bullet scratched one of his ears, nothing more


It's a korean flick, not chinese.

"I believe the common character of the universe is not harmony, but hostility, chaos and murder."


I stopped reading at "But, iono exactly how the Chinese mafia works "


Guns are prohibited in Korea. Only place you can find a real gun is in military and police officers use guns only at the very very last resort (their guns are loaded with three blank cartridges before a real bullet). Koreans take guns very seriously and any gun incidents are handled by military. This is why even gangsters shy away from using guns, because it will be the military they will be facing, not police, if they start using guns.


"The bullet scratched one of his ears."

Lol. No.

At the moment of impact his head recoiled and he collapsed to the ground, eyes closed - Headshot.

...Then he rises a moment later to carry on, and we see a bloody gash on the side of his head - Just grazed.

Both sets of facts are true, yet the conclusions are mutually exclusive. The question isn't what "really happened", but which set of standards you wish to use to interpret paradoxes when presented in the context of a film. Too many arguments fail to make this distinction.

One truth, and this is often the answer, is that the director wished to have his cake and eat it as well - "I'll create despair by indicating that the lead is dead or done for, and then jubilation when he springs back to carry on." This is actually the third time this happens. Sun-woo previously came back from being buried alive (A shallow hole in the rain? Believable. No one questions it.) and being fatally stabbed (Less believable, especially when he subsequently carries on unimpeded for some time despite profuse bleeding). All three times the same emotional beats are played for maximum effect, and each time the suspension of disbelief is stretched a little further. Whether it was too far the third time depends on the viewer.


No seriously... I didn't like this movie. I mean yeah it was pretty average but nothing more than that. Oh and the action scenes were completely baseless - during the climax our main guy takes a couple of bullets and is still standing WTF! (and I'm not even talking about the bullet which scratched by his ear).

I agree with most of the points of the OP. Over the top violence is good only if done in a right manner and with a sense of humour. This movie has neither of it.

IMO, this film kinda spoils the reputation of Korean cinema. I watch a lot of K-movies but somehow this film came across as too "blah" and there was no real connection felt between the main character and the girl.


No seriously... I didn't like this movie. I mean yeah it was pretty average but nothing more than that. Oh and the action scenes were completely baseless - during the climax our main guy takes a couple of bullets and is still standing WTF! (and I'm not even talking about the bullet which scratched by his ear).

After the bullet that scratched his ear, he gets hit by a guy with an AK-47, which makes Sun Woo fall down and still shooting in a messier way. He doesn't get up after that, so it's not true that he was still standing.

"I believe the common character of the universe is not harmony, but hostility, chaos and murder."


I loved this movie... I was just stating couple things I enjoyed the movie completely but I cannot overlook small things regardless if films good or not.
Also, when I say Chinese mafia... They all look the same Chinese, Japanese, Koreans THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME
Who *beep* cares.


You obviously haven't seen enouh Oriental cinema. The differences between the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans (as well as all others) are pretty damn obvious once you've seen enough of them. And I'm not even talking film here anymore.
You've got quite a close-minded attitude towards these people and I'm sure you'll offend them with talk like that. It'd be like them saying all caucasians, no matter of their national heritage, look the same.

Also, to clear up your dumb little questions, read the FAQ, there's a theory for the unbelievability factor just been posted on it.


Wow infadelity, that was stupid. There is a huge, obvious difference. Every poster who has any movie knowledge will tear you apart on this. I don't care if you care or not, I just wouldn't repeat it to a crowd at risk of sounding that stupid in public.
Here's some help dude, the 3 basic films: Oldboy (Korea); Ichi the Killer (Japan); Infernal Affairs (Hong Kong). Knowledge is power.

-"I ain't got time to bleed."


There is no doubt the fight sequence in the ending scene was portrayed in an over the top manner. A blot on the movie that i thought the director could have easily avoided by simply portraying it in a more realistic manner. But i guess the movie as a whole was way too classy to be trashed just based on that one sequence. The direction & cinematography is just top notch. Not to mention the character development & the exqusitely shot action scenes.

I guess this is just one of those movies that you know is flawed on one or two instance, but is simply too good to ignore.

Loved it!


the real question here guys is how did someone that doesn't know how the Chinese mafia works even see this movie?

Feed Me a Stray Cat


WOW the OP is a moron. How the **** could he not know this movie is Korean? If you start watching many Asian films you can tell the difference between Korean, Japanese, Chinese both in the way they look and the way they speak. Also, how did you find out about this movie or have the desire to watch it with such a retarded attitude? You sound like a moron so it's weird that you would have checked out a foreign movie like this.


Okay, let's go.

1- Easy. You can't just shoot someone dead, especially if they work for a mob boss.
2- Easy. Notice how mostly, except for protection, gangs use bats and knives and brass knuckles and the like to fight. That's how it works in Korea.
3- Sunwoo, a guy we have never seen drinking, has quite a few beers; he is distracted and immersed in his thoughts. I've had it happen - it can be very hard to take notice of things like that. Besides, nobody, regardless of how "insane" their fighting skills are, can take FOUR guys with lead pipes who have the element of surprise and your inebriation on their side.
4- Easy. Braek is such a sleazy besterd that I would assume two things: either Sunwoo thinks that is a nervous gesture, or assumes that he is reaching for his phone or something.
5- Easy. There isn't much time in between the "ice rink" as you called it, and the hotel. Ten minutes tops. Besides, with that state of mind, you could accomplish incredible feats, really.
6- The bullet just grazes his head! What, you want him to die there and then? I mean, what's the point of you even posting this if you are trying to work within the movie to kill the main character as soon as possible? Besides, it's called "Dramatic effect": Important characters take forever to die, because when they die, the movie is over. It's important to go out with a bang (or a whimper in the case of BSL)
7-Well, okay, that's hard. But, I can only assume that it was for dramatic effect.

It's KOREAN. And far as I know, guns are illegal in Korea - besides, most Oriental Mafia (if we can use THAT as an umbrella term) uses close-combat as the first choice of fight, not gunfights. It was the Sicillian variety that actually started the whole "let's carry lots of guns" deal (or so I know, I may be wrong).

And, it's KOREAN. Japanese has a familiar-sounding tune (if you're into animes) and has a rather 'sharp' sounds and "overarching" emphasis. Plus, there are easily-recognized "titles of address" inherent in every single sentence you form when speaking to someone else. Korean has a lot of round sounds and what I can assume to be the equivalent of vowels that are spoken by the movement of the tongue rather than the actual mouth; it is more "guttural" (for the lack of a better term). Like talking with a nut on your tongue.


OK I enjoyed this movie, but like the original poster I am perplexed by some of the scenes. The gun situation in Korea explains a lot, but the question still remains about the first scene.

If guns are that difficult to get then how did Sunwoo have one and others didn't? Also no-one answered the question about the guy who was shot in the first fight scene. The OP is right, you see him in the subsequent scene with no bullet wounds!!!!

As for looking too much into the film, is that honestly a real answer? I don't think the director is that stupid, but the plot-holes are still inexplicable.

It may be possible that the whole difficult access to guns is the answer. I mean some scenes may have not been real, I only come to this assumption after having watched A Tale of Two Sisters where the whole movie is twisted.

I will watch it again paying more attention and giving more credit to the intelligence of the director because I don't think you can just take this movie at face value. So far I think the movie is about individuality in the face of conformity in a mafia environment.


"If guns are that difficult to get then how did Sunwoo have one and others didn't? Also no-one answered the question about the guy who was shot in the first fight scene. The OP is right, you see him in the subsequent scene with no bullet wounds!!!! "

It's not a real gun in that scene. Since real guns are so hard and illegal to get, some bouncers/enforcers in nightclubs and bars in Korea carry BB-guns that look like the real thing since people still freeze or get intimidated when they see a gun (fake or not).

BB guns won't kill you but when you get hit, it hurts like a mofo, temporarily making you agonizing in pain, which is all they need to get drunk idiots out of there. That's what Sunwoo's assistant does. He shoots a couple of of times to get that thug in some pain and distracted (in case he carries a sashimi knife or some other weapon, which a lot of gangs do in Korea), and then physically beats the crap out of him some more.

Director is known for being anal and meticulous about every single detail in his movies. Having said that, I can see how this may have been puzzling for so many folks however....


If i remember correctly.. it wasnt a GUN with METAL bullet, it was a some plastic bullet....

3rd when he turns off the light... a lot of time passed (lets say 20-30min).. the pace was accelerated.. he was probably asleep already and heard noise so he woke up...

4th too angry, didnt eat for days, no sleeping... awakeness is low... this is not a bruce willis movie...

5th adrenaline and the other dude probably missed some important part, luck i guess..... (gun already explained by other dude)

6th luck again...

7th i need to watch the movie again...

do the same witha spielberg movie... you'll end up with easily 50
