
This movie has so many weepy feel-good moments and hunky guys with blank stares who can't act that I can't believe that Ben Affleck wasn't involved with it.

The feel-good moments keep coming, never more than two minutes apart, and it goes on so long that the viewer ends up wondering if this will ever take on the feeling of a war movie (spoiler: it doesn't).

The dogfight scenes that are supposed to be so amazing actually serve to ruin an already bad film. The sky and planes are in such pastel colors that the whole thing looks CGI, whether it is or not.

You don't need to be any kind of military aviation buff to know this is nonsense; the X-Wing scenes in Star Wars adhere more closely to the laws of physics!

This is like Wiley Coyote falling off a cliff, then stopping in mid-air to say something, then continuing to fall, then of course not being dead.

This stuff is laughable! In one scene, a guy just stops his plane in mid-air so the guy behind him can be forced under him, shearing off the upper half of his plane, while leaving the plane of the lead man just fine, as planned. As if any pilot has ever planned collisions as part of his survival strategy...

The child of a billionaire (who paid to have this made so that he might appear in a film) stars in this and is not only a horrible actor, but one who is simply hard to look at.

Let me spoil this for you to save three hours of your life and tell you one of the things that happens at the end:

One guy pulls out a revolver and shoots another guy to death. Oh yeah, they are both pilots, flying in different planes when this Wyatt Earp moment comes.

I won't say this is the worst film of all time, it isn't close, I'd just like to leave you with the sad thought of how many good films like Memento could have been made with the $60 million spent making this pointless pig.


Yes, I felt it was very cheesy. It seems that in world war one if you are a pilot you just go fanning around all the time and occasionally fly the occasional mission and just sort of sit there when you are out of ammunition and wait for the enemy to shoot you rather than taking evasive action hopefully until the enemy runs out of ammunition or one of your comrades shoots him down.

I felt the cheesy music really let down the movie, it is always so happy and upbeat with a slight military feel to it, but with lots of flutes so it feels very light.



I won't dispute the movie is pretty cheesy and I wouldn't show it in class but... in a war movie set during WWI starring American aviators fighting for the French, who would you expect the villain to be if not a German?

"Sometimes I'm callous and strange."



It's astounding how Hollywood churns out one high priced clunker after another. The tragedy is that this could have been a good movie. You spent 60 million bucks making this film and you couldn't buy a decent screenplay?


Yes, I had been thinking this was like a cartoon. Also has the worst Spielberg touches like hokey inspirational music telling you what to feel all the time.


WW1 planes were very acrobatic. Watch a biplane airshow and you'll see they are capable of stall maneuvers (although shearing off a section of a plane is a stretch, even though they were made of thin materials/cloth).

Also, the last scene depicts how they used to do aerial battles. They used to fly around trying to shoot each other, although I think they had a copilot use a shotgun.

>>>Only he is lost who gives himself up for lost.


Biplanes at airshows are acrobatic because they are built to be. WWI aircraft less power and more weight to power than modern biplanes. More realistically view older films 1920-1930s which feature some genuine WW1 a/c.


Yeah but the biplanes at airshows are purpose built stunt aircraft, not WW1 era heavy underpowered oil spewing rotary engined sloths.

The rates of climb in particular shown in this movie were laughable, really went a long way to ruining the action scenes.

...then whoa, differences...


<<This movie has so many weepy feel-good moments and hunky guys with blank stares who can't act that I can't believe that Ben Affleck wasn't involved with it.

THIS^^! Epicly funny!

Sig, you want a sig, here&#x27;s a SIG-sauer!


The child of a billionaire (who paid to have this made so that he might appear in a film) stars in this and is not only a horrible actor, but one who is simply hard to look at.

Huh? What child of a billionaire? The character in the movie who came from a rich family or who? What am i missing? Whose parent is a billionaire?

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs
