A Lot of Probllems

First the good. I thought it looked good and was very slick and stylish. I liked all the use of contrasting colors and the gore was better than expected.

Almost every scene was a Horror movie cliche. The characters were all dull. Couldn't care for any of them and didn't even know most of their names.They were so stupid. I get that there is a stereotype of some sorority girls being dumb but this over did it. "Why does the house across the street have power?" Valid question but why then don't you go over since they like have power and stuff. 2 hours for the police? In an area where that much snow is possible you would think they would have a plow or snowmobile or ATV or anything for a murder? Also, why is the house so remote? I've never been in a sorority but I'm pretty sure they are usually located near the campus. also, we are supposed to believe a single child family lived in what is essentially a mansion? Nothing indicated they were wealthy. If anything they came off as broke white trash. Why is there so much space between the walls? Why 2 walls? Maybe that's a thing bit it seems like a poor design. Anyway even with low expectations I thought it was terrible and certainly wouldn't recommend.


Mr. Double L, you are a massive nitpicker. Did you really had to create a new thread for this nonsense? There are other rant-threads on this board. Go away.

"My name is Daniel Lugo, and I believe in fitness."


Haha you read it.


> Almost every scene was a Horror movie cliche.

I think it was supposed to be. This was a dark comedy. There were subtle bits of humor all through it. Did you notice the Leg Lamp in the corner of the room?

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
