Incest sex

I was reading about this on Wikipedia, and it seems a common trope these days in remakes to give oodles of motivation and backstory for the killer when mystery served them better the first time around. I read how Billy's mother couldn't get pregnant by her boyfriend, so she went upstairs to where Billy was locked away, raped him and conceived Agnes. Jesus! How the hell is that presented in the film??? Do we see bits of it, or is it done by character explanation???

Everyone else may be an a**hole, but I'm not! - Harlan Ellison


Okay so mom and boyfriend are trying to have sex but he's so drunk he passes out. She hears the rocking chair that Billy is rocking on above her and she unlocks the attic, stands in front of him and drops her gown and it cuts away and shows the rocking chair moving again but Billy's not in it. And the next scene is a baby (Agnes obviously) and it says nine months later in red, the mom and boyfriend are both looking at her and she hears Billy up in the attic which makes her turn and look up before she says "she's my family now" turns back to the baby and then we cut back to modern day. This is a terrible explanation for which I am sorry but I hope this answers your questions.


Yeah. I really didn't know if I could stomach it if it got too graphic in this part (despite the bloody violence to come later.)

Everyone else may be an a**hole, but I'm not! - Harlan Ellison


Its very shot and unnecessary. I read an earlier script where it Wasn't present and it worked just fine.
