I don't know if this has been brought up before, but really what was the point of Agnes being in the remake? Agnes wasn't even in the original. She was only mentioned at the very end of the original. Really did the Filmmakers even watch the original? Why didn't they just let Billy be the killer? Why have two?
I think its because you have a doubt at the begining of who is actually killing,all the backstory is on billy but Agnes kills basically all the sorority girls!
Have someone killing the girls while Billy was in the asylum. We didn't need any of that of course, but for the film as it is, I wouldn't be surprised if Agnes was brought in because they needed another killer.
why was the Leigh Colvin character introduced? that confused me, for some reason. i kept thinking that she was going to be revealed as the killer; post-sex change.
Well, this movie isn't the original. If they were going to make it exactly the same, then what is the point? That's the reason people hate the Psycho remake because it's pointless. It adds absolutely nothing.
My only problem with Agnes was the actor they cast. I'm not sure why they cast a man in the role. Were we supposed to believe that was Billy all along until they shock us with the "surprise twist"? But we already knew there were two killers since one or two murders happened while Billy was in the asylum. I thought it was going to be like Sleepaway Camp and they'd tell us that Billy had a brother/son when the mother wanted a little girl so she forced him to dress in women's clothing but that didn't happen. I'm not sure what they going for with that casting.
But I do like the movie and Agnes's inclusion anyways.
I never even assumed that there were two killers haha. They were doing so many random flashbacks that I thought the prison escape scene was just a flashback to earlier in the night.
I assumed that they were going to make Agnes one of the sorority girls somehow, but they didn't go that route.