The 'silliness' of this movie, was making the terrorist a fanatical, anti-government white dude...when 99% of the terrorist attacks the world over, are by brown radical Islamists.
Heck, they even reiterate many times where the FBI guys had known or heard of Doug before....the Oklahoma City bombing, which again was a real situation that was perpetrated by a white, anti-government wackadoo.
You'd be hard-pressed to name another...
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
Sure? Because according to the official BS: Terry Nichols, Eric Frein, David Koresh, Ted Kaczynski, Eric Rudolph, Jared Loughner, Richard Reid, Wade Michael Page, (getting bored now) Scott Roeder, Jim David Adkisson, Paul Jennings Hill...there's more but screw it. You just tricked me into doing your homework. A$$hole!
If you believe Timothy McVeigh was anything other than an FBI patsy -- confirmed many years ago -- you're welcome to your mistaken belief.
So, too, if you didn't know (or don't want to believe) that half the events are faked. Of the other half where something actually happens, more than half again are f@lse fl@gs.
But hey, your comfort, security and peace-of-mind is very important to me. So please vote Trump-Pence in November. Should they prevail, return to this thread six months later for more vindication-fueled ridicule (aka "I told you so!")
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Vox.....HA, was Salon and Mother Jones unavailable?
Vox: "In the 14 years since, not one domestic terrorist attack has been committed by a foreign terrorist organization, including the latest mass shooting in Orlando, Florida. Omar Mateen was an American citizen."
That is a carefully-parsed statement that fit's their narrative. And on yeah, they derive their 'data' from the "New America Foundation", yep another George Soros-funded lefty organization. Forgive me if I don't take their word for what they deem to be an "Islam-related attack" or not, since they can't even bring themselves to say the term "radical Islamic terrorist".
They may not be perpetrated by ISIS or Al-Quaeda, but they are sure being done on their behalf. If anyone says the Orlando massacre...or San Bernardino...or Chattanooga....or Fort Hood...or the Boston Marathon...wasn't done by, and on behalf of, a brown radical Islamic terrorist, most of whom shouldn't have even been in the US...they should be drug (or maybe Kool Aid) tested.
Apparently reading comprehension is an issue for you, as I didn't say they weren't Americans....I said the great grand majority were brown Islamists....and they are. Paris? Germany?
Giving me a small sample size of American terrorist when I said worldwide, is silly.