Youtube and Vacancy
Youtube proves that people would watch snuff films if it were available to see.
It's not to say that ppl are just evil or that snuff is not terribly wrong...but
ppl will watch anything, even if it's real, as long as it's not happening to them or their families, and shamefully that's a fact.
Many years back, an american GI that was captured in Iraq by terrorists was beheaded on video and it was posted onto the worldwide web and hundreds of thousands of people viewed it until it was taken down. It was the worst thing u could ever see, a real human being being killed right in front of the camera
as they slowly sliced through his neck and heard his screams and then they held is head up in the air.
I think with the rise of videos and social networking, there also needs to be some censorship to prevent things like snuff films being encouraged and reinforced by popular viewing statistics....cuz the fact is, ppl will watch no matter how disgusting and abhorrent the scene.