Good movie !

granted it had a very clichéd storyline but the treatment was amazing, not a single dull moment, it managed to create an aura of fear and thats why it works


I loved it too.
I like thrillers and ones that make you think and actually strain to get to the end like the characters.
Very good. 8.5/10

I don't think I'll ever look at another sunset without thinking of you.




Absolutely. It's a short movie, but it doesn't need to be longer.

My only problem was the ending. Not the usual "Wuh- that's it? Meh." reaction.
Just the fact that the movie was building at such a good tension rate, that it kind of calmed down when it switched to daytime, and then it tried to pick up again for the big finale. The pacing of that sequence jsut felt a little off.

Still overall a very good movie.

It's an electric drill. You get me, you kill me!


It was a really good movie. Acting, pacing and storytelling spot on. Some small plot-wise inconsistencies and dumb moments but nothing big to ruing the experience. Deserves much higher rating!
