MovieChat Forums > The Good German (2007) Discussion > Cate Blanchet's performance is absolutel...

Cate Blanchet's performance is absolutely wonderful! Is it Casablanca 2?

Cate Blanchet is an amazing actress by nature but in this movie she is stunning. Everything is perfect about her in this movie.
By the way do you think this movie is a new version of Casablanca?
There are lots of similarities, i hope someone have the time to discuss this in this thread, please do if you saw both of them and have anything to say about it.


No, it's not.
There are many references to Casablanca, but is not a "new version of casablanca"

But, sadly a remake of casablanca is in talks, with Madonna starring. Oh my god..

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room."


I remember hearing about Madonna's remake, and you mentioning it reminded me again(I'd forgotten, maybe repressed memory ). Anyway I hope she does not do it. I hope the plans have been scrapped

Lawyer:You sir are a moron
Homer:A Mormon,but I'm from earth!


What did Ilsa do in the war? And Lena?

Any similarities between the films are superficial: pretty much limited to a "love" triangle, the movie poster, and the airplane in the closing scene (except, in THE GOOD GERMAN it's full size). Emil Brandt is a mathematician who has calculated how many calories a day are required to keep Jews alive 90 days (only); Victor Laszlo was a hero of the Resistance.

The very point of THE GOOD GERMAN would seem to be to show how easily the US compromised herself in order to obtain the knowledge and experise required to advance the nascent ICBM program; CASABLANCA is about personal sacrifice for what's much more clearly a higer cause. (In THE GOOD GERMAN, "Better we get these rocket scientists than the Russians" was rationale enough, never mind what they may have been a party to.) Lest there be any confusion, Operation Overcast DID exist: Werner von Braun worked at Mittelbau-Dora...

If "the Greatest Generation" was willing to make such compromises, perhaps this is the "new version of CASABLANCA" thier grandchildren inheirit.

Overall, THE GOOD GERMAN is a very good film. Certain shots linger: the clouds in the night sky through the roofless building; the BICYCLE THEIVES-style push through the crowd...splendid. I have to agree that the sex scenes did rupture the verisimilitude of 1940s FILM, but perhaps that's to tip us early that the theme of THE GOOD GERMAN is not going to be that of a period film, e.g. anything where it's "my country, right or wrong." SPOILER: My only complaint is that less ambiguity about what Bernie did with the Dora files Jake gives him (handed them right over to the general) would have made the ending a bit crisper...and does anyone believe that all Lena did was what she said? You might want to google or wiki Erna Petermann, who worked at Mittelbau/Dora...


Nope, and nor is The Third Man 2, and nor is it The Maltese Falcon 2 or any other classic noir you care to mention. I'm afraid this movie doesn't come close.


This film is to "Casablanca" what The Monkees were to The Beatles- a pale imitation, stylistically speaking. I enjoyed this film, but I wasn't moved emotionally by it, as I am by "Casablanca", even after viewing it dozens of times.


There is no comparison between the Monkees and the Beatles except in their popularity with teenage youth... the compositional work of the Beatles far outweigh anything the Monkees did (not to denigrate the pop music of the Monkees and its appeal, but the long term survival of the Beatles compositions and their adaption into mainstream music is something that the Monkees never personally achieved). And also the comparison between this movie and Casablanca is so equally erroneous that I fail to find anything other than a male and a female and a WWII scenario (and maybe the plane at the end) to compare them in total...


I agree with all of you guys, it might not be Casablanca 2 or third man or other movies you mentioned which i didnt happen to see.
But in both movies the story moves around two lovers in late WWII who have no permission to get out of country, the girl is trying to convince her lover to help her and her husband to run away while the male lover desperately wants the girl but also helps the girl to get out.
From this perspective i guess the stories are somehow similar.
I have watched both movies a few times and i found them quite similar in plot.


I loved this film, and all the actors in it. It was not boring in the least, in fact, it held my attention absolutely. Cate was superb, and George C. was great. It reminded me of another film much more recent than Casablanca, but I just can't recall the name of the film. That's what happens when you're a film junkie!


I loved this film, too. Casablanca must be a holy film but I agree with a poster above:
If "the Greatest Generation" was willing to make such compromises, perhaps this is the "new version of CASABLANCA" their grandchildren inherit.

The choices the characters made in Casablanca were different, maybe clearer, than these choices. The post-war world seemed to be much more difficult to grasp. The, once grasped, pretty horrifying and sad.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne


This movie has nothing to do with Casablanca.
Get out more
...and see The Third Man
...and some movies Welles directed.
