My question - spoilers

Did Lena plan to leave Germany w/o her husband all along? She kept trying to get papers for herself, no mention of any for a man. Did she get him killed on purpose? Man, she was COLD!


I thought that after years of helping hide him she finally wanted to get away, whether it was with him or not. I didn't get the impression that she wanted him dead though.


She stated directly that she wanted to leave Germany without her husband. But she did work hard to help him get out w/o getting killed for being the only witness against the Dora camp commander. She may have seemed cold but how would you feel after withstanding a brutal 6 year war, being raped, and turning in fellow Jews in order to survive. She was NO longer the person that Jacob had fallen in love with earlier.


He knew what she had done to survive, so she felt she no longer wanted him around to remind her of it.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


Exactly. She was broken by the war.

Consider it the same way couples tend to divorce when their child dies. Love doesn't heal all wounds. Having a constant reminder of what your life used to be like before a traumatic event generally weakens bonds rather than strengthens them.

The people you idolize wouldn't like you.
