I have a difficult time understanding what is said in MOST movies today. And, when I watch any British movie or TV show, I always have to put the subtitles on. It has nothing to do with mumbling. It has everything to do with differing accents and diction from one country to another--indeed, one REGION to another (ex: eastcoast vs. midwest). Has any American here tried to understand Cajun or Louisiana? I can't understand a word and it sounds like mumbling, but it isn't.
It used to be that diction and enunciation was taught in the early grades in school. Children had to learn to speak properly as well as write properly. Of course, all of that has been thrown to the wayside for decades now. Young adults, kids, even older adults are unable to write a simple sentence properly, spell without spellcheck, or speak without using "like" "knowI'msayin" or using some form of inner city gangsta-grunts. But, they know how to put on a condom and feel good about themselves! That is why Americans can't be understood most of the time by anyone, including each other. When you throw in a regional accent, such as a thick Boston accent, it makes understanding even more difficult. I have my subtitles on all the time now. Even for the news.