so who was right?

After the group went up to the command center to stop the navy to execute their plan, they failed right? I understood that the group was wrong in their "wave theory", because the navy commander didnt abort the mission, and it all ended up well. So the army's theory was right afterall?


dude, did you see any bombs going off?no; the navy aborted the mission


yeap, army was wrong all along.. they didnt push the button, secretary was convinced in a way.. are u sure that u didnt skip that part with fast forward or sth?


I watched and listened carfully, and still don't know if the Navy Secty aborted the mission or allowed it to go, with a positive out come all'round. That was unclear.


yer it wasn't very clear. I had the impression that the countdown meant something would happen when it reached zero. But i think that is when he was meant to press the button


The reason it wasn't clear for me:
It appeared to me that the Event would automatically happen at the end of the countdown THEREFORE when nothing happened after the countdown still went ahead, it appeared that the Navy was right BECAUSE nothing happened.
If the Event was to happen after a "press of a button" or somesuch at the end of the countdown, and the Secretary DIDN'T "push the button" and nothing happened, that means the crew were correct and if the button had been pushed, the world would have exploded.

My take on it.



The "Event" was something that was going to happen all by itself. The countdown was because in an earlier scene the commander explains that the "corrective actions" they planned to do could ONLY work if they were applied in the VERY EXACT MOMENT the "Event" started. So the countdown was to sincronize their timing with the "Event" so as to not under/overshoot the "window" they had.



The Navy aborted the mission.
When they see all is reversing, one of the four yell : we did it !

beautiful fossil coral
