This movie lost me in the first 10 minutes.
I can’t quite understand how the Amazon society works.
Apparently Amazons are mostly Nordic White women mixed inexplicably with blacks and no Asians since when they are excluded from movies they don’t riot, kill and rape white Women like blacks.
Given the location of the island (close to England) and when it was settled there is no explanation how blacks could live there, Whites + Asians on the other end could be possible.
That being said since there are no men, how is it possible for the Amazons not to go extinct ?
If they don’t age how come there are women of all ages ?
Who and where are the dads of all the women living on the island beside Wonder Woman ?
After Chris Pine arrives on the island the Amazons instantly attack German sailors. No warning, no declaration of war nothing.
Unprovoked they just rain arrows on them and execute the survivors. How they dealt with the warship and the rest of the German forces is unknown.
Since Wonder Woman is apparently immortal why did the pretty White woman took a bullet for her and in fact why Wonder Woman even has “body armor” and a shield ?
I mean she’s pretty much Superman since bullets, shrapnel nor poison gas can harm her and she more or less flies as well. Plus since she has the shockwave thing and super human strength why does she even needs a sword she could just punch people.
It was surprising seeing Wonder Woman at end of movie execute the unarmed and knocked out German general.
In the end this was just the nth shitty superhero movie that made a trillion dollars thanks to paid for positive reviews and wall to wall brainwashing/advertising. If the lead had been a man instead of a completely unattractive woman my opinion would be the same.
PS. This is the kind of movie where all Germans speak English and apparently Amazons speak English as well among them instead of say Greek.
Ah the 3D Blu-Ray thanks to Warner Brothers crippling the 3d effect and audio isn’t worth what it costs new.