MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > So Wonder Woman is Jewish?

So Wonder Woman is Jewish?

Funny, she doesn't look Jewish.


How do jews look like?



Gal Gadot is jewish, but like most jews, she probably has many non jews not too far back in the family tree. Also not every jew looks like Eugene Levy...


You mean Gal Gadot ?


Yep, and Superman is British. So was Batman (Christian Bale).. So what's your point?




She looks more european than jewish... given her ancestary, I'm not surprised...


Are you 12?

Jewish[/i] is a RELIGION. [i]Israeli is a DESCENT. While most Israelis ARE Jewish, many are of other religions. There are even Israeli Roman Catholics; many Poles, Italians, French, Americans, British, Swedes, Norwegians, Finns, et al are Jewish.

Boy, I really miss the days of people being educated enough to think before they type.



>Jewish is a RELIGION.

No. "Jew", as used in the Hebrew Bible, is:

Patronymic from Jehuda (Judah); a Jehudite (that is, Judaite or Jew), or descendant of Jehudah (that is, Judah): - Jew.

In other words, "Jew" denotes a descendant from the Tribe of Judah, which is the most prominent tribe in the Bible, out of the 12. "Judaism" is a religion, which is practiced mainly by Jews.

>Israeli is a DESCENT

No. Israeli is a nationality, i.e., someone from the modern Nation of Israel, which has only existed since 1948. Israelite is a descent. It is a broader term than Jew, as it denotes any descendant of the man named Israel (AKA: Jacob, the grandson of Abraham). So an Israelite could be from any of the 12 Tribes of Israel, rather than specifically from the Tribe of Judah. Hebrew is an even broader term than Israel, as it denotes any descendant of Eber, who was a descendant of Noah and an ancestor of Abraham.

In modern language, the term "Jew" has become muddied, i.e., it is often used to refer to any Israelite (even ones not from the Tribe of Judah) as well as practitioners of Judaism, but it doesn't, nor has it ever, only referred to the religion.

The modern Nation of Israel was formed by Israelites (including Jews), or at least people who believed themselves to be Israelites.


This is bullshit.


No, Wonder Woman is a pagan or polytheist, if she has any religion. She believes in the Olympic Gods of ancient Greece, although I don't remember if the Amazons engage in active worship.

That she's played by a Jewish actress is irrelevant.


I wonder if Wonder Woman is mentioned on Seinfeld?


She doesn't "believe" in the Olympic Gods . . . she is one! I'm not sure what that makes her.
