"Add to the fact that she is Israeli".
Christian bale is not American but he played Batman. Why can an Israeli not okay Wonder Woman? It's actually perfect because of what israel stands for. Women's rights and all that being surrounded by Stone Age Neanderthal Arab culture
true about the arabs
shareReality is she is a horrible actress. No matter how much people might like the movie it would have been a better movie if they had gotten a better actress for the role.
And don't give me all the its made so much money BS, the other fact is it has under performed vs Guardians of the Galaxy 2 by about 100 million when you compare the first 6 days. Which is pretty sad given Wonder Woman has had significantly more marketing put behind it than Guardians did. Lord, this weekend I was in a store and they were giving away vouchers for Wonder Woman with several items that were for sale...
If they had gotten a better actress and not bastardized the character to fit the PC vision of the director they could have gotten ticket sales from word of mouth from a good movie, instead they have bought their ticket sales with lots of ads and promos which are already petering out.
I completely agree about everything but the dig at the director. Jenkins did not cast Gadot. She was handed the movie, way way after that decision was made by Snyder and the rest of the WB/DC goons
shareI was critical of her physicality before, but after seeing the movie, she does look appropriate, and the special effects make her average-sized arms less of an issue. You also buy Robin Wright Penn as a badass warrior who has trained all her life, and she wasn't muscly either. Also, I had no idea they'd emphasize the agility of these incredible Amazons, but we saw lots of flipping and cool acrobatics during the training & fighting scenes. Maybe these Amazonians don't need them to be as muscly as we expected.
Gal's acting wasn't as bad as I thought either. She has her charming qualities in a few scenes, and a nice, genuine smile that makes her likeable (and she's easy to look at). She could've read some lines with better feeling, but it's not the worst I've seen for what is around two years of acting experience. I've seen much worse in other B-grade movies, from people who have ten years of experience.
I completely disagree.
I loved EVERYTHING about her, especially the way she talks. The chemistry she had with Pine was AWESOME too. Oh, and of course, she is hot, hot, hotttttttttt.
Thanks for all of the replies, everybody. Your input has been lively and way more productive than what I ever could have imagined. On that note, I will withhold any and all further judgment until I see the film for myself. Lastly, I will report back with my own review of the film when that time comes as well.
shareI understand Brienne of Tarth (from the Game of Thrones) was their second choice.
J/k lol
Decent choice, I suppose, but we all got to have a little fun sometimes! Hahahaha!!
shareJust imagining it is making me giggle.
Towering over Chris Pine like that would be super awkward :D
He would need a small chair just to kiss her.
Not at all. I had my reservations about her early on, but goddamn she nailed it.
shareGal Gadot is pretty but her boobs aren't nearly large enough. She needed larger boobs like the comic book version and Linda Carter version. Would have been a much better movie if she had larger boobs...😂
shareSaw the movie, it's a bad Marvel movie knock off and Gadot is a terrible actress. The movie is terrible! Only good thing is Chris Pine and the Greek mythology scene in the beginning. Even David Thewlis who is fantastic in everything couldn't make the awful dialogue sound believable. The CG is at the X-Men Origin level where some scenes actually look incomplete. As a woman it really bothers me that this is being heralded as a feminist achievement when it's really a Steve Trevor movie with WW in it.
shareI disagree on Pine and the mythology being good because Pine only looked good standing next to Gadot since she's so bad, and the mythology was so WTF that I can't even get into it now.
However it does bother me too that WW was made to be a supporting character in her own movie, as if the only way a female superhero movie was going to be a hit was if a guy was in every single scene with her, being a hero and explaining to her why she was acting like a child and how she should behave instead.
I just don't get why so many feminists are so excited about it. Have they even seen the movie? It made me cringe after all the feminist hype, that nobody seemed bothered by the fact WW was not the lead and that there is virtually no other female character in the movie after she leaves the damn island, except a plucky comic relief fat secretary (laughs and laughs) and an evil doctor who doesn't even get an excuse for a backstory or a personality.
I didn't mean the mythology, just the animation of that scene in the beginning