MovieChat Forums > Intervention (2005) Discussion > The most ANNOYING addict on the show?

The most ANNOYING addict on the show?

I'm an avid watcher of the show, have a crap load of episodes on iTunes. There have been times where a few of the addicts have irritated the living hell out of me. One of the top names on my list is Gabe...I could not stand that guy, I'm hoping he is doing better today but at the time of filming I found him to be an incredible baby who (for a child prodigy) was incredibly stupid with finances and choices which is ironic. Now I understand addiction is a medical problem and not everyone can help it but for some reason I got a sense that he knew what he was doing and didn't care about the outcome because he knew he could get away with it with the help of his parents. Again I hope he is better these days but man....that guy was incredibly annoying to watch.

Another one on my list would have to be....Ryan, I found him to be a selfish, spoiled little snot. I wanted to b**ch slap him when he wouldn't answer his mom in the car after all she did for him. I hope he is better these days as well but he was definitely one of those suburban, spoiled rich kids with not idea how the real world works or how to actually earn a dollar.



That's the most *beep* up thing I've ever heard. Nothing a woman does can "make" men rape women. That is a sick thing to say, you are seriously *beep* up!!!


Rachel, a heroin-and-meth needle junkie, who lived in New York City. She had an annoying, shriecky kind of of New York accent, and let herself be walked all over by Joie, who was also annoying in his Dominant, angst-filled manner. Then when Joie was arrested, she hooked up with a toothless pot dealer ... "he's got it going on ..." she noted, because he has a "pad, a bicycle, and a successful pot selling business." We then witness that guy going to jail, and the release of Joie and his further abuse of Rachel. The way she screams at her sad and despairing family during the intervention, "I'm not $%&#ing going!" just really annoyed me more than anything. Ugh!


I have to say Christy just because she was so fried her intervention truly went differently than ANYONE elses. Yes, many were hostile, many tried to downplay it, but Christy truly set this tone where the intervention did not get to be heartfelt because she was so selfish. People cried and she couldn't care less. From laughing constantly to throwing chocolates at Ken... I really didn't care if she got better or not after the intervention, like I cared about others. There are probably a few others who annoyed me, but Christy just screamed, "I'm wasting a perfectly good 'Invervention' slot because I never will hit a bottom as long as I can strip and more tweakers can take me in." Not like she knew she was on "aintervention," but she really deserved to be on no show about addiction. I'd feel so sorry for Christy had her drugged-out-brain had not been rewired to think she was so fabulous. Delusionally so. Her family so did not seem the type to go to Al-Anon either so what a waste. Besides Christy undoubtedly making for great tv (naked fighting outdoors? Sweet talking strange men to buy her liqour?), she nor her family were candidates for this show. I felt the worst for Ken, to be honest.


Gabe is my #1, too, by far. I agree--Ryan was a snot, and Christy...I have no words, lol. Sometimes the selfishness is due to the addiction, and the addict is not that person we're seeing--it's a manifestation of the addiction . Then there are those that seem to be selfish/awful people regardless -- Gabe/Ryan/Christy fall into that category for me. (Although Christy may be suffering from mental illness; it's hard to tell through the meth madness)

My #2 was Linda, but then I realized she had serious mental health issues, and that changed how I viewed her. (I originally saw her as one of the most selfish addicts on the show, partially due to her long-suffering brother, Sam) I will never forget that wide-legged air split Linda did on the neighbor's lawn, haha.

I'm so glad Intervention is getting another life on air. I was sad when it was canceled, as it's one of two shows I've never missed an episode of and would go to the ends of the earth to watch.


My #2 was Linda, but then I realized she had serious mental health issues, and that changed how I viewed her. (I originally saw her as one of the most selfish addicts on the show, partially due to her long-suffering brother, Sam) I will never forget that wide-legged air split Linda did on the neighbor's lawn, haha.

Oh God yes, how could I forget about Linda? I particularly despised her for personal reasons. She clearly exaggerated her condition (it was possibly not true or the benign form of the condition), and my mother is thought to have a rare-form of it, so I thought, "how dare you attempt to represent Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), Linda? How dare you claim you have EDS when all you do is get high from Fentanyl and can run like nobody's business when people confront you?" The cracking she did was just ridiculous too! I do give her slight leeway because she turned out to have a delusional disorder... which most of us did see a real mental illness diagnosis coming. I just hope her brother started to get the life he deserved and that she improved in her residential facility or group home. But beside being sorry for her mental illness and glad she was properly diagnosed, she pissed me off. Hardly anyone hears of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, so to have many people's first knowledge of it being through Linda on "Intervention" really disappointed. me. Sure, most people could discern Linda was a malingerer, but still; seeing her malinger the condition was frustrating on a personal level. Even if she does have such a mild form, to see her claim she needed Fentanyl when she was clearly able-bodied, was the worst.


I do not blame you a bit for being annoyed at Linda representing EDS. Plain and simple, she liked getting high on Fentanyl and laying around. I think she also liked the attention and feeling of power she got. Delusional or not, she was super annoying to watch.


I was going to say Christi until you reminded me about Linda lol.

The beauty is I'm learning how to face my beast ~ Blue October


Yeah Linda bugged me too but I did realize it was the medication making her act like I tried to understand her multiple demands. However I do feel she isn't stupid...she knew she had her family attached to strings and could tug on any one of them she wanted. Yes the medicine does alter people but everyone is also responsible for their actions and words to some degree.


Jessica, a heroin addict. Watching it now. Thinks she's so cute and refers to herself as a princess. She seems to love the attention of being taped. Enabling mother and aloof father. I really don't think she wants to quit.


As well as the fact that she was using methadone and still slamming heroin. Methadone is meant to be used to get off heroin, not supplement it so that you don't go through withdrawal. Feels like she is taking advantage of the behavioral health system.

I have clients who use Suboxone (another medication meant to stop withdrawal and craving from heroin detox) when they can't find heroin ... not to quit. It's sad when people use tools for recovery in order to keep getting high.

You are right, she seemed to enjoy the attention. The way she said "I am addicted to injecting heroin" was outright bragging.


I watched Cristy knowing how hated she was amongst Intervention fans and I have to agree: god damn was I annoyed by her. She striped naked and got into slap-fights with her sister in meth psychosis (the fact her sister didn't even act like this was out of the ordinary was eye-opening) and her actual intervention showed her narcissism to the fullest.

I wasn't even shocked she didn't finish rehab and now lives with her grandfather still doing meth and alcohol. I'm convinced she died and we never found out about it.

Your day could be worse î‚Ÿ


shes actually alive and it turns out she has some bad mental health issues. her sister had a youtube channel for a while (shes since deleted the videos) explaining how christy was being held long term at a mental health facility. i think she was there for a couple years and her sister said she didn't think christy would ever get out. shes out now and pregnant and in a fb post she said she thinks the baby has fetal alcohol syndrome.


I wonder if she always had those mental health issues or if they were caused by the alcohol and meth. At this point, who knows. I just hope she is able to get or stay clean and sober for the sake of her unborn child.


i have wondered that too. i hope so too but i don't think she has so far. after i looked through her fb again i realized she was due to give birth around october, but her last status on fb is at the end of sept. it appears she drank through her whole pregnancy.

eta: i do recall a couple statuses she made though saying how bad she wanted to "quit everything but food" for her baby. so at least at that point she really did want a happy healthy baby. also she planned on naming her baby Vande1ous Empire. and yes that is the number 1, not the letter L..


I looked at her fb page and it is pretty interesting reading. As well as finding the photos posted to be quite revealing. She is really screwed up. A bit more stable than she was on the show, but still seems to lead a messy, lost soul kind of life.


I just read in another thread that Christi does not have custody of her baby, the baby's father does. I lurked on her Facebook page and did not see any pictures of her baby. Judging some of her posts, she is still using or has severe mental health issues or both.

The beauty is I'm learning how to face my beast ~ Blue October


really? i was hoping she would be able to pull it together for a kid :( what thread did you read that on?



Nichole and her whole family were pretty insufferable. Splitting the family and turning everyone against Matt and her sister for something that happened at least six years ago. Matt is his own person. He can do what he wants, and he can date who he wants. Same with Samantha. And Nichole drinks herself to the point of being constantly incoherent because of that? It's really petty high school bullsh!t.

I also hate Christy. I realize that she may have some kind of mental disorder, and her drug use certainly didn't help. However, she was a real mess. She needed psychological help, as well. She didn't care about what her family had to say during her intervention, and I don't have any sympathy for people who drink or use drugs throughout a pregnancy.


about gabe being a child prodigy who is not good with finances... might have ADD. those of us with ADD have SO MANY INTERESTS and SO MANY STYLES WE LIKE it is hard to make up our minds and we do feel the need to fund these interests more than buying food, for example.

Mine is Troy... the homeless, gay meth addict. not only does he NOT get that all of these 'friends' of his are NOT HIS FRIENDS, he treats his mother like crap and literally a free storage center. also, the first thing they need to work on is his INCREDIBLY low self worth. the fact that he is willing to forgo condoms on his hookups is proof. the guys don't like condoms, don't want to hear a condom request, so I just go bareback.

is his life and his health THAT SMALL to him for him to allow these DROVES of guys who have been with COUNTLESS OTHERS! why bother living at all??

edited to add... I know he is dead but JOHN the anorexic with diabetes.

his mother was very sick, too and here he is relishing in attention! he wanted to be the sickest one in the house? is it a race? a contest???



I have to admit Troy didn't make my most annoyed list because he made my most disgusted list...and it has nothing to do with his drug addiction, the sex stuff did. I don't mean this from a judgmental stand point, I mean it from a "deeply concerned for his well being AND OTHER PEOPLE'S WELL BEING" stand point....the condom talk and other sex talk just really made me sick....and NO its not because he's gay, I'm gay myself...its because he could be having sex with guys without telling them he has done it unprotected....I think its EVERYONE's responsibility to take care of themselves so when they do choose to be with someone, there is no danger of hurting opened my eyes to the fact that there are some selfish people in the world more than we know and there are people who don't give a damn if they get sick and then get others sick.
