Why No Word On It?

Why are Lion's Gate treating this with such a hush-hush tone? I mean we've hardly gotten any info on it since 2005 and then we got a cool trailer this past fall, but it was removed within a few weeks. It seems Lions Gate is just being almost too quiet about where this film is and when we're gonna get it.

It's probably coming out in 2007, but there's 12 months in a year and no word on how soon in the year its coming. I am thinking it's going to come out around August - October, so not too long before Saw 4.



Did you see the actual trailer though? Not just the dumb one with the drumming music. The like official looking one that was narrated by Pink. It appeared well put together and made the movie look really good, it makes me think it's going to get a real release.


no, whats the website for that one?


You can find it on YouTube... I hope it doesn't go straight to VHS and DVD, I'd love to see this on the big screen... I've seen the good trailer, and it looks like a really good thriller...

"I'm Trouble y'all"


I'm hoping something will come up soon.
