Why this movie sucks (spoilers)
Thats 90 minutes down the pan, so I may as well waste a few more:
So, the cops raid this illegal rave which moves around the catacombs every week - yet still has a permanent entrance via the street with an enormous queue.
The doorman of this club is Hugo who's opening line is "Sava?" and when he receives "je m'appelle Victoria" gives Victoria a "We only speak English round here..." line??
Anyrates, once Hugo has let in Carolyn and Victoria he appears to resign from door duty and gets drunk (in a private suite which happens to be next door to an illegal rave. That's right, the rave that "constantly moves around the catacombs").
So, the cops clear everyone out and lock up without a cursory glance to check no-one's on the floor, and leave anyone in there to perish.
Then we get Henri, the 1st of a number of people who prefer running up to people in the dark rather than call out with "'allo 'allo". I liked Henri, he had potential menace and was the spookiest part of the film. Unfortunaltely Henri didn't speak English (so how did he get into the club)?
Despite all this, the worst part belonged to Carolyn. Her plan was to invite her sister (who she doesn't like) 5000 miles to have a go at her about pills and skinny-dipping before giving her a nasty scare. And when that scare turns to tradegy, start laying into Victoria...???
I hope Henri got out!!