
Derivative, pathetically contrived, aggravating... Imagine turning on a French remake of Friday The 13th, halfway through, done as a comedy, and trying to figure out wtf was happening? Yeah, you got this down pat, now. No background, no characterization, no writing worth a damn, no acting, no nothing. Pointless crap. They could be reciting the Declaration of Independence in pig Latin while square dancing for all that mattered. You already knew the story, you already knew the words, you already knew where each and every footstep would go and you knew exactly how it would end up.

For some reason, I used to like what's her name. After this, I don't know why.

Oh, and the French people suck worse than Germans and Italians when it comes to making movies. The whole country should be flushed and then given to the Poles. At least the Poles can make good sausage.

Gave it a three. Would have been a four but damn, I hate the French language and what's her name just starts to grate on your nerves after about ten minutes.

No, I can't let this movie bring me down to their level. I'll give it a four. I *did* watch it to the end, much as I hate to admit it, and they made a good effort. Four, it is.

I'd give a dollar for that flashlight, though. Looks like you could beat the snot out of a hippo with that.


This movie wasn't made by French people, dumbass.

Kentoc'h mervel eget bezaƱ saotret


Your point, dickcheese?


It's an american movie, it was shooted in Rumania. So it's not french at all... Eitherway, the movie is pure crap, so bad it's disgusting and on my top worse horror movies ever.

Just so you know french people can and do make great films, check this list


Gotcha. But that wasn't intended as "movies made by french" alone. It was a remark about the french as a whole. Notice I included their food, their language, their habits etc. That sentence of mine was poorly written, however.

I henceforth apologize to dickcheese above.


A little bit of gratuitous T&A (in the swimming scene at least) would have gone a long way to making this movie watchable...wait, what am I thinking? Neither female lead had sh*t for tits.
