Screaming in Catacombs
I'm halfway watching this movie and the one thing that I can't escape is the constant screaming by the heroine. I can't imagine that there is another movie in the history of talkies where someone screams as much as this chick. She musta taken an extra course in acting school in screaming. I was pulling for the beast at one point just to shut her up. And granted -- there's no telling what a person would do in such a situation -- but the marginal utility of screaming must decline at some point when you're being chased by some serial killer or beast or devil thingy. Few people if any have been saved by screaming, especially screaming to the crazed killer "leave me alone." If a fundamental sense of morality won't prevent the predator from killing the victim, then politely asking him to refrain from killing the victim probably won't help either. I'd have to downgrade by 1-2 points for excessive screaming alone.