If You Don't Think This Movie Is Funny, You Need Help.
Hands down, without a doubt, against all comers, one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Great story and script, excellent cast, great direction. Hilarious.
Hands down, without a doubt, against all comers, one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Great story and script, excellent cast, great direction. Hilarious.
I completely agree...except edit out the word "don't"
If you think this movie is funny, you need help.
There. That makes it better.
With all due respect, I think you've got it backwards...
SPOILERS ALERT! -- well, maybe not, is it possible for something that has surpassed putrefaction to spoil?
How many times must one be subjected to the RV rolling away gag? The first time, wasn't even all that funny... by the fourth time... yawn.
I will say that it was nice to see Robin Williams in a role where he DOESN'T play the holier-than-thou, wiser-than-thou, smug, know-it-all who carefully nurtures humanity through his incredible brilliance. To humiliate himself in such an imbecilic movie proves that he is indeed human and truly fallible.
He can be a gifted comedian, but make no mistake, the laughs are far and few between.