Am I the only person who cracked up when the boss said the meeting was going to be in Boulder, Colorado? Because Mork & Mindy was set in Boulder and when I heard that line I was like "Oh my GOD!" and I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. Maybe I'm just weird like that.
I wonder if the film makers chose Boulder, Colorado just to tease Robin or something.
I think Boulder was selected due to its reputation for being fairly politically liberal. (see here: nt) This provided a contrast between cultures (the little guys at Alpine Sodas, and the big guys at Pure Vibe). Also, it tied in with the personal beliefs of Cassie (she who owns Meat is Murder stickers and plasters a rented RV with them), who proceeded to chastise Pure Vibe for having the "worst environmental record in the industry." Thus, she helped to endear the Alpine guys to Bob, and have everything work out nicely (acceptance by his new company, and greater appreciation with his family).
In short, I think they picked Boulder to make Pure Vibe look like the biggest jerks possible.
I totally thought of Mork & Mindy - I was waiting for them to do a scene with the music store downstairs.
You definitely get the granola types like the family from Alpine Soda in Boulder (I used to live there) so that makes for an appropriate location. There are other places in the country that could suit as well. If you're in the northeast go to Burlington, VT and it's just like Boulder. There's probably some good spots in souther Cal too. I think this location fits well but is also chosen because of Mork from Ork.
"everything i say, by definition, is a promise." CARMINE SABATINI -(The Freshman)