Incredibly casted, wasted cast.
Williams does his schtick fairly well, but I saw a lot of missed opportunities. Williams can't play the straight man, and he didn't have anyone to bounce off. They should've let Cheryl Hines have more screen time, she can play the "voice of reason" fairly well, just watch her on Curb. The kids didn't bother me much but were kind of generic, especially the white trying to act black son. You have 2 totally wasted Arrested Deveplopment alumni, they didn't even share screen time together. Not that they needed, but seeing how well they play off each other, maybe they could've had a couple of scenes. Kristin Chenoweth is an absolute gem and everybody knows this, except the maker of this movie. Just like Jeff Daniels she was ridiculously wasted. It plays like a Vacation remake, but they didn't take it far enough.