MovieChat Forums > RV (2006) Discussion > An awful film!!! Kids should not see th...

An awful film!!! Kids should not see this!!

After watching this movie the only thought that came to my head was,"Why in the world was this movie made? What possible audience is there for a man like Robin Williams to play such a distasteful character and somehow a ripoff of Clark Grisswold from National Lampoon's series? Maybe the people who made this thought of it as a good idea but I think of it as an exercise and irresponsibility to everyone who was connected to the project who should've thought twice before making this stupid picture. A scene that I really hated was when Robin Williams is emptying the sewage tank and he ends up literally all covered in *beep* Do you know how tired and sick that is? He is too good of a comedian himself and not to know that this script really stunk. I mean this movie has no funny moments or interesting characters. Even the dialogue was done in such a way that the actors themselfs seemed almost embarrassed when they were talking. Another thing that kind of bothers me about this movie is that the kids who were cast in the movie were very obnoxious, bratty, and said many unacceptable things to their parents and they're accepting that as being normal and civilized when it really isn't. I sure hope that children are prevented from seeing this picture because this has a bad influence on them. Robin Williams has a lot of young fans but I all can say is to avoid this film at all costs.

My mark out of 10

0 out of 10...... It is one of the worst movies I have ever seen...Period.



I just watched this with my kids, they thought it was really funny. They've never seen the National Lampoon films, so they can't compare them to it. I don't think they've ever seen a guy covered in sewage either so they thought that was particularly funny!

I was thinking afterwards that those kind of films are similar, there's always a moody teenager, a silly dad, a younger kid or two who do some daft things and a wife who suffers the husband for all his goofy antics - Cheaper by the Dozen, The Great Outdoors, National Lampoons etc. They all follow the same formula, and the family all pulls together in the end.

Let's face it, this film is for families - it's not the kind of film you can dissect on IMDB. It's made purely for laughs.


Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean other people won't. Myself, I didn't think it was so bad.

I seriously doubt kids will end up being obnoxious spoiled brats because they saw it in a movie. I can't stand it when people try to blame movies, TV, & video games for the way kids act nowadays. No. I don't think so. If kids do act like that and get away with it, guess what? It's the parent's fault. Not the movie, not a TV show & not a video game.


I enjoyed this film.


You got to be off somewhere - I think this was an excellent family comedy compared to the absolute rubbish in teen comedy nowadays that is generally a bad influence on kids

even monkeys fall from trees
