100 thing I learned from RV
1. Don't EVERR go on an RV trip with your dad =]
.. continue? haa
2. if you meet a weird family that you don't like, they will harass you and you will never get away. trip RUINED.
Piper: I'm being stalked by psycho killers and I hide in the shower?!
Charmed <3
3. Remember to use the parking brakes
4. RV windshield wiper arms are strong enough to hold a man.
5. An RV will run after recently being submerged in a lake.
6. The overhead compartment above the driver's seat, while not watertight enough to keep water out, will hold water in after the rest of the RV is dry.
7. Robin Williams can hold his breath long enough to swim over 25 ft, unhook a bicycle, and ride it out the same distance (the bikes were on the back, and it rolled backwards into the lake, and he went under by the front)
8. A raccoon can get into an RV's oven, and shut the door without anyone knowing.
9. People in the RV will not hear the man walking on top of the RV.
10. If your RV gets stuck on a ledge, crawl out on the front bumper to weigh it down and roll off the ledge.
11. You can run an RV through trees with minimal body damage.
12. An RV has enough ground clearance to go completely over a man without touching him
13. Instead of leaving during the middle of the night to avoid someone the next morning, wait until that person wakes up and then rush away with the awning still up.
14. You must remove the wheel chocks before you can move an RV
16. Guys who take laptops from public restrooms will happen to just hitch a ride with someone who knows the family and knows their laptop.
17. Fathers who hear their 12 or 13 year old son call their daughter the B word will compliment him on the insult.
18. JoJo can't act.
24 - Robin Williams will be in anything if you pay him enough.
shareAmen to #15.
25) Never take your daughter's best friend to an important business get-together.
26) Helping America fall in love with something all over again is the worst decision you'll ever make.
27) Scottsdale, in the 'Zona may be a hardcore hood, but you don't wanna mess with my man C here cause he gonna major damage ya...
28) A specially made bicycle for a bad back will run you over three thousand dollars.
29) Jamie Munro is not just some scary witch you can't tell anything to. Is that what you thought?
30) If there's a poop fairy, I can make a whole lot of money.
31) If you hear a car horn sounding like "La Cucaracha", drive away as fast as possible.
32) The guy who helps you drain your RV waste tank is NOT Archimedes.
33) Unless you put special clamps on the back of your RV's tires, it will always roll away.
34) If you want to find out about your family, go on an RV vacation with them.
35) Dissing the company you work for is the best way to get a new job with a "mom & pop" beverage company.
36) Finding a laptop is grounds for being dropped off in the middle of nowhere by the Gornickes, and furthermore, now you've lost it!
31) If you hear a car horn sounding like "La Cucaracha", drive away as fast as possible.
37) Stalls at RV camps don't have doors so everybody can see your large... laptop
38) "Mom & Pop" beverage company owners look like the Cohen brothers
39) "Mom & Pop" beverage company owners can have the cops search for a person
40) Yoddelign is part of southern music now.
37: RV dealerships will rent out an RV to you with the waste tank still filled to the brim with the poop of the previous renters and without the proper hose to drain it. (I checked this out. RV rental dealerships expect you to drain the waste tank before you return the RV to them. Otherwise they charge you a large fee)
share38: This movie sucked badly
I drive you to insanity? I don't have a car and you don't know where insanity is.
39. Cheryl Hines can sing WAY lower than a lot of men! (... little G.T.O. ... )
40. It clearly isn't robin williams riding that bike down the hill.
41. even though the movie was really lame, i've watched it four times in the past two days
She's not your friend, she's just someone you use to feel better about yourself.
42. When it comes to acting, Kristen Chenowith (spelling wrong) has two great assets you cannot teach.
43. After watching "Suburgatory" recently, it appears Cheryl Hines has used Ms. Chenowith's acting coach.
Son, you can't polish a turd
44. Shooting fecal matter straight up in the air and having it land on Robin Williams IS funny...That should be done in all his movies.
45. All families should be required to have a family theme song and be prepared to sing it if requested. What a great world this would be...
46. if you stash your laptop behind the tank in a public toilet, a hippie, transient musician will KNOW to run in behind you and take it.
Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!
47. if you come in too late on these threads, there might be a chance you miss some numbers due to people having second thoughts (or worse... they got banned)
Amen to #15.
48. Life imitates art (or vice versa), Robin Willaims' character was working because he had to keep everyone else in his life happy.
Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!