Question about the movie (spoiler)
1. The main female charater's grandmom died in the sleep when the train accident happened. How does this relate to the main story?
2. Some of the ghosts are unaware of their death. The female charater's father, the two kids, the professor and the couple who were late don't seen to know they are dead. How come the female attendant ghost does know that she's dead?
3. The two kids ghosts' parents were trying to commit suicide. How does that relate to the story?
4. The kid ghosts wanted to crush the ghost train because they thought if they crush it, they can see their father. However, if the main female's father ghost did not switch the rail, nothing is going to happen to the ghost train. What are the two kid ghosts thinking?
5. The main female's father ghost switch the rail twice. One in real life. One as the ghost. It seems some ghosts keep on riding the ghost train over and over again and does same thing over and over again. Do they ever arrive at a desination?