MovieChat Forums > Masters of Horror (2005) Discussion > Starting to watch this on Hulu but wanna...

Starting to watch this on Hulu but wanna skip crappy episodes..

Ok so I just subscribed to Hulu because I love horror anthology series and like every one ever made seems to be on Hulu lol (I love the 90s OUter Limits...etc)..

Anyway I'm watching this show right now but only wanna watch worthwhile episodes.. I guess I could just look up on google the best or most popular episdoes but screw it what is everyones favorite episodes? I just started "Jennifer" right now.. I think Directed by Dario Argento. Heard this one was good.


These are generally well recieved and I enjoyed them...

Cigarette Burns
Right to Die


MoH has more crappy episodes than good ones, so for that reason your task will be kind of difficult to accomplish. And sometimes people on this board might recommend crappy episodes because to them they are good.

Jennifer" right now.. I think Directed by Dario Argento. Heard this one was good.

Well, it depends what you mean by "good." Like most if not all Argento films, "Jennifer" is good visually, but pretty bad in terms of plot.

IMO these episodes are all great:

Incident On and Off a Mountain Road

H.P. Lovecraft's Dreams in the Witch-House (albeit this episode also has plot problems)

The Fair-Haired Child

Pick Me Up

Cigarette Burns


Right to Die

The Black Cat


Family is really good. That one I can vouch. Probably the only episode I saw, though.

I've seen lists that rank the show all over the place. Some say Pelts sucked, some say it's the best. I really don't know. You have to watch them for yourself, but steer clear away from the ones that are universally disliked. Chocolate looks really, really dumb.


Chocolate wasn't that bad actually but not the best either. It really drags through out but has a good ending at least. I like the concept of him feeling everything she feels including getting fucked LOL!! That scene was so twisted! Dean Koontz did that telepathic concept first with Hideaway so not exactly original either.


I enjoyed Sick girl,Incident,Fair Haired Child, Cigarette Burns and Family. I thought Deer Woman, Pick me Up and Pelts were fun too. I haven't watched all episodes though.


Its kind of tough to say cause they are all pretty different and it depends on your taste. I wouldn't skip washingtonians for instance even tho some will say its silly. Its like a B horror film and is very entertaining. I think the actors look pretty scary too when shyt gets nuts.
