Enough With White Male Heroes
shareI most certainly won't be boycotting this movie, I will be watching this movie on opening day and as many times as I can during it's run in you stick your male hating agenda right up your boney, worthless ass, bitch!
I won’t boycott it and will watch it when it comes on cable.
shareSO you mean MANCOTT?
shareBOYCOTT idiots such as Darkpast who show up in forums telling us to boycott a certain movie/character by bringing up the race card. Intent not to criticize but to start a flame war so he/she can get their rocks off.
Brie? Brie is that you?
Why would this obvious baiting troll be Brie?
Oh, because the misinformation spreading (happily take things out of context) butthurt right wing bros claim Brie hates white men and they are enraged by the fact she factually stated (girl did her research and has the facts to back it up) that there’s a lack of representation in the press and like the majority she wants to see more... my goodness I hope you’re prepared for this... diversity. *gasps*
If what she has stood up for counts as pulling the race card, then so be it. All the anti-Brie Larson propagandists twisting what Brie said to fit their agenda... yawn! But obvs for many of these incels (who make up the majority of Brie detractors), the “she hates white men” narrative isn’t important. No, for them the simple idea of equality is something they find unacceptable. Regardless, the truth obviously isn’t important to your crowd.
And hey, Shazam himself, Zachary Levi, stood up for Brie? Let’s attack him and use all our right wing talking points and accuse him of being another SJW sheep. What, darkpast said enough of white male heroes in this board to get the reaction he wants? (In reality this poster is with the anti-Brie crowd btw.) Well, we oughta defend Zach now! Ugh, the triggered ❄️ reactionaries and their agenda against the non-backwards agenda coming from Hollywood (and not just Hollywood) is pathethic. And boring as hell.
Holy bi-polar episode Batman! That was just a joke! (The Brie, part I mean) CALM DOWN! After reading all of that I feel I owe you something for the effort you put into that post.
Take a chill pill and RELAX! Monday’s almost over!
I saw the movie yesterday and enjoyed it a lot.
shareAnd if you had seen the movie you would know that's actually not really true.
shareWhat is your issue with white male heroes?